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EyeWriter. Graffiti Analysis. Graffiti Research Lab » L.A.S.E.R. Tag. LED Throwies. LED throwies consist of only a few inexpensive parts and can be made for ~$1.00 per Throwie. You can reference the parts list below or download the attached spreadsheet for more info on parts, part's numbers, vendors and application notes. Part: 10mm Diffused LED Vendor: HB Electronic Components Average cost: $0.20 avg per LED Notes: Cost reductions for larger quantities. Comes in red, blue, amber, white in both diffused and clear. Diffused works better than water clear for the Throwie application. Part: CR2032 3V Lithium Batteries Vendor: Cost: $0.25 per battery Notes: Cost reductions for larger quantities. Part: 1-inch wide Strapping Tape Vendor: Your local hardware store Cost: $2.00 for one roll Notes: One roll will make many throwies Part: 1/2" Dia x 1/8" Thick NdFeB Disc Magnet, Ni-Cu-Ni plated Vendor:Amazing MagnetsCost: $13.00 per 25 magnets Notes: Cost reductions for larger quantities.

Graffiti Research Lab. The United States of America is going out of business! But here at the U.S. Department of Homeland Graffiti, we want to turn this moment of national embarrassment and hard times into real savings for you and your family. From June 4th through the 28th, the U.S.D.H.G and the Graffiti Research Lab are liquidating all confiscated, high-tech graffiti artifacts and tools, expunged evidence, court exhibits, redacted documents and office furnishings, priced to sell.

So grab a handful of Euros or Mao Bucks (U.S. currency still accepted while supplies last) and head on down to Gallery Anno Domini located between U.S. Artist’s Reception: First Friday, June 6th, 2008 8 p.m. ’til late • free and open to the public Exhibition runs from June 4th – June 28th Terrortites 2-layer U.S.D.H.G. Homeland Security Advisory Canvas U.S.D.H.G. More SALE items here on fuckflickr.