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"reading and web 2.0" and "two librarians" and "blog" Tag Galaxy. Social Media News and Web Tips – Mashable – The Social Media Guide. A Web 2.0 Class: Students Learn 21st Century Skills, Collaboration, and Digital Citizenship. Christopher Columbus was wrong when he reported to the King and Queen that the world is round.

In fact, the world is flat and so are many of our classrooms in this great nation. For years, students learned within the parameters of a building, which then separated them into rooms. Students would attend class daily and the teacher would present the daily lesson. This is how a school day has progressed for years. Students in Van Meter, Iowa, Burlington, Massachusetts, and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania are experiencing education in a new room. A Flat Classroom Led by the efforts and collaboration of Patrick Larkin (1) , Principal of Burlington High School (2) , Shannon Miller (3) , Librarian at Van Meter High School (4) , and William Brannick (5) , Principal of Monsignor Bonner (6) & Archbishop Prendergast Catholic High School (7) these three schools are collaborating weekly through various technology mediums.

Last year Mrs. The Virtual Classroom The Role of the Teacher Mr. Digital Ethnography » Blog Archive » A Vision of Students Today. Cool Cat Teacher Blog. Reader (399) Weblogg-ed. Cohmetrix - Home. Moving at the Speed of Creativity. Jane's Pick of the Day. Transliteracy - 2020 Forecast: Creating the Future of Learning. Libraries and Transliteracy. Libraries and Transliteracy.