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Eleanor Roosevelt and the Soviet Sniper. Iconic 2,500 year old Siberian princess 'died from breast cancer', reveals MRI scan. Better Identification of Viking Corpses Reveals: Half of the Warriors Were Female. Shieldmaidens are not a myth!

Better Identification of Viking Corpses Reveals: Half of the Warriors Were Female

A recent archaeological discovery has shattered the stereotype of exclusively male Viking warriors sailing out to war while their long-suffering wives wait at home with baby Vikings. (We knew it! We always knew it.) Plus, some other findings are challenging that whole “rape and pillage” thing, too. (Updated 9/3, see below.) Researchers at the University of Western Australia decided to revamp the way they studied Viking remains.

It’s been so difficult for people to envision women’s historical contributions as solely getting married and dying in childbirth, but you can’t argue with numbers—and fifty/fifty is pretty damn good. Women and Medicine in Rome. Anyone who has interest, even minimally, in the history of medicine in classical antiquity, knows the names of Hippocrates and Galen.

Women and Medicine in Rome

The two Greek physicians were the pillars on which the entire Western medicine was based until the advent of the Scientific Revolution, well into the eighteenth century. Needless to say that in addition to these two key figures, there existed a legion of doctors, surgeons and other medical practitioners that remained in operation, so to speak, in the existing health care system in the Greco-Roman era. The activity of all these health professionals in Classical Antiquity is fairly well-known thanks to the studies that have been done since the late nineteenth century. Less has been known about the role that women played in Greco-Roman medicine.

It is important to know that there are texts, although not numerous, informing us of the existence of women dedicated to the practice of medicine in ancient Rome. The first category is that of midwives. Genrer le capitalisme - Une heure de peine... , la question de la mobilité sociale revient, depuis plusieurs années, sur le devant de la scène, que ce soit au sein de la recherche ou dans le débat public.

Genrer le capitalisme - Une heure de peine...

Après les débats, toujours en cours, autour du déclassement, c'est vers l'accès aux élites que se tournent à nouveau les regards : sans surprise, la mobilité ascendante constitue un enjeu politique et idéologique fort. En signant un petit livre très accessible, Jules Naudet fait à cet égard un travail de vulgarisation bienvenue, qui se double de ses nombreuses interventions dans les médias (). Il faut dire que travailler le paradoxe qui consiste à étudier un cas incontestable de mobilité pour mieux soutenir que celle-ci n'existe pas vraiment n'est pas chose aisée : c'est pourtant ce que lui permet le récit détaillé du parcours d'un grand patron du secteur pétrolier venu des classes populaires lyonnaises.

Onna-bugeisha. Comprendre l’instrumentalisation du féminisme à des fins racistes pour résister. Ces derniers mois, la médiatisation des violences sexuelles faites aux femmes a atteint l’élite politique : affaire DSK, affaire Tron ont tenu une bonne place dans les médias.

Comprendre l’instrumentalisation du féminisme à des fins racistes pour résister

Sexual Dimorphism in World of Warcraft. Game designer-in-training Andrea Rubenstein has just published a great article about fantasy bodies in MMOs, focusing in particular on sexual dimorphism in World of Warcraft.

Sexual Dimorphism in World of Warcraft

She points out the bizarre differences between male and females of nonhuman races, asking whether it makes any kind of sense that female Draenei would be so small in comparison to their male counterparts: The race with perhaps the starkest contrast between the sexes would be the Draenei. What stands out first about the sexes is that the male is massive: tall with unnaturally large muscles and equally large hooves.

Given this build, it would not be unreasonable to expect the female of the species to be similar, but instead her slim features are closer to that of the female Blood Elf than to the male of her own species. Female orcs share the same problem, although they are clearly the most muscular women in the game, perhaps apart from Tauren women. But fans complained: The Five Sexes: Why Male and Female Are Not Enough. The Five Sexes: Why Male and Female Are Not Enough By Anne Fausto-Sterling The Sciences March/April 1993, p. 20-24 Anne Fausto-Sterling is Professor of Biology and Women's Studies in the Department of Molecular and Cell Biology and Biochemistry at Brown University.

The Five Sexes: Why Male and Female Are Not Enough

Professor Fausto-Sterling's new book, entitled Sexing the Body: Gender Politics and the Construction of Sexuality, appeared in February, 2000. Les hijras, un corps d'homme dans une âme de femme. La sensualité de son corps dans cette danse endiablée face au tambour, ses mains qui s’entremêlent, son écharpe rouge vif qui tourbillonne, et soudain une pose langoureuse avant de reprendre de plus belle sa transe… L’objet de tous les regards n’est pas une femme.

Les hijras, un corps d'homme dans une âme de femme

Ni un homme. C’est une hijra. Et les frontières des genres se troublent en observant cet être danser poitrine en avant, en sari et à la mâchoire carrée. publicité. Condition et statut des Hijras au Pakistan. Facing Social Pressures, Families Disguise Girls as Boys in Afghanistan. Sworn to virginity and living as men in Albania.