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The Importance of Styling When Selling a Home. Real Estate Agents in Lalor. Hi Stockdale & Leggo team, I would just like to share my gratitude for the work that Brent Elliot my agent did on selling my townhouse in Wollert.

Real Estate Agents in Lalor

He did a fantastic job and has been transparent, honest and committed to us the whole time. His realistic approach and understanding of our requirements was appreciated. Well done to him and your entire agency! I must say by the far the best agency in the north! Nick I would like to say that the service of Mary & Anthony have been exceptional in the sale of my home, They have also gone beyond that in helping me buy a new home, My property was sold as soon as it was put on the market for above the expected price by Mary and Anthony from Stockdale & Leggo Epping. Margaret Dear Anthony and Mary, We would like to thank you for the amazing results you achieved at the auction of our property on Saturday. Top 4 Tips to Keep Tenants Happy.

In order to get the best return on your rental property, it’s important to ensure you retain excellent tenants long-term.

Top 4 Tips to Keep Tenants Happy

As most landlords will know, a high turnover of tenants can be costly, as there will often be a period in which the property is vacant and thereby failing to earn an income. As well as this, there can also be costs relating to advertising, utilities, cleaning and repairs – all things that can add up fast! But how can landlords keep great tenants from moving on? While your property manager will oversee the bulk of the day-to-day operations, there are actually few of simple things that landlords can do to encourage tenants to stick around for longer. Complete cosmetic improvements. Get Your Home Ready To Sell This Autumn. How to Choose a Property Manager for your Investment Property? Common Mistakes When Insuring your Property. Starting your investment portfolio can feel both exciting and liberating.

Common Mistakes When Insuring your Property

You’re on your way to financial freedom! Great job! However, ensuring that you are protecting your assets is an essential part of the investor journey, which means that selecting the right type of insurance is a key part of the process. As this can be somewhat tricky given the amount of options on the market, we have identified some pitfalls to avoid when making your choice. Choosing the Cheapest OptionWith insurance, cheap cover will more likely result in poor value when it comes time to make a claim which is why the focus needs to be on ‘value’ rather than price in this instance.

Latest Property for Sale in Epping. Hi Stockdale & Leggo team, I would just like to share my gratitude for the work that Brent Elliot my agent did on selling my townhouse in Wollert.

Latest Property for Sale in Epping

He did a fantastic job and has been transparent, honest and committed to us the whole time. His realistic approach and understanding of our requirements was appreciated. Investment Property for Sale in Lalor. Styling Your Home For A Spring Sale. With the cold weather almost at an end and September 1st just a few weeks away, now’s the perfect time to start thinking about how to market your home for a spring sale.

Styling Your Home For A Spring Sale

Real estate in Epping is picking up, with the Melbourne property market forecast to grow strongly in 2021-22. Statistically, spring is one of the busiest times of the year for property sales since more and more buyers start venturing out of the house and looking to buy a house before the summer. But because spring is a popular time of year for property buyers, most house sellers wait until this season to put their properties on the market, which means there is likely to be a lot of competition.

6 Signs It’s Time to Sell Your Investment Property. Selling an investment property is a decision no one takes lightly.

6 Signs It’s Time to Sell Your Investment Property

For many people, the income an investment property brings in helps in paying bills or the mortgage of the house or even get tax breaks. But savvy investors know that the real estate market can change at any time, and putting your property for sale in Lalor now may bring you more financial gains than holding on to it because of the monthly income it brings in. Selling Real Estate in Lalor? Choosing the Right Agent is Key. Your house is likely going to be the largest and most costly possession you’re ever going to sell.

Selling Real Estate in Lalor? Choosing the Right Agent is Key

As such, it is essential to choose the right agent to help you sell for the right cost. Property for Sale & Real Estate Wollert. Hi Stockdale & Leggo team, I would just like to share my gratitude for the work that Brent Elliot my agent did on selling my townhouse in Wollert.

Property for Sale & Real Estate Wollert

He did a fantastic job and has been transparent, honest and committed to us the whole time. His realistic approach and understanding of our requirements was appreciated. Well done to him and your entire agency! I must say by the far the best agency in the north! Nick. 5 Features that will not add value to a Home. When putting up a property for sale in Thomastown and elsewhere in Victoria, the most common piece of advice most realtors will give you to boost the value of your property is to conduct a few repairs and renovations to your house.

5 Features that will not add value to a Home

But what are the renovations and bespoke features that may look great in the house but fail to add value to your house? Read on to find out: Designer fittings and artsy features Overzealous wallpapers, eccentric decor, bold, bright tiles and quirky features such as bathroom taps shaped like snakes may add personality to your house but are unlikely to be appreciated by potential buyers. Selling Real Estate in Lalor? Choosing the Right Agent is Key. File sharing and storage made simple. Affordable and Reliable Property for Sale in Epping. Real Estate Thomastown. Real Estate Thomastown. Hi Stockdale & Leggo team, I would just like to share my gratitude for the work that Brent Elliot my agent did on selling my townhouse in Wollert.

Real Estate Thomastown

He did a fantastic job and has been transparent, honest and committed to us the whole time. His realistic approach and understanding of our requirements was appreciated. Well done to him and your entire agency! I must say by the far the best agency in the north! Nick I would like to say that the service of Mary & Anthony have been exceptional in the sale of my home, They have also gone beyond that in helping me buy a new home, My property was sold as soon as it was put on the market for above the expected price by Mary and Anthony from Stockdale & Leggo Epping.

Margaret Dear Anthony and Mary, We would like to thank you for the amazing results you achieved at the auction of our property on Saturday. How to Add Value to your Home on a Budget. Benefits of hiring a Real Estate Agency in Thomastown. 6 Questions to Ask an Agent When Buying a Property. Top Tips to Common Property Depreciation.

One of the plethora of lessons we learnt in 2020, was that rental prices were very much dictated by social, economic and political factors that we faced in a year of uncertainty. Having said that, there is one financial element of investment properties that remains the same; it’s the tax deductions that they provide to their owners. What property investors don’t always realise, is that there are other ways that they can save! Find best Real Estate Agents in Thomastown. Find best Real Estate Agents in Thomastown. A Checklist for buying a Commercial Property in Lalor. Why Everyone loves Lalor. Property for Sale Wollert.

Property for Sale Wollert. Why Everyone loves Epping? Signs You Should Make a Change from City Life. The hustle and bustle of city life is exciting when you first experience it. It can be hard to think you will ever get sick of living in the city. Everything closes late, better public transport options (usually) and you can go to as many events as you like. However at some point you start considering a move further out. There are many reasons for this change of heart. In this article we will explore a few reasons why a ‘tree change’ might be the best move you ever make! You want cheaper rent or a better priced house. Stockdale & Leggo Epping. Stockdale & Leggo Epping. Real Estate Agents Epping.