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Ladan Zinati

Dr. Ladan Zinati, a graduate of University of Southern California, USC in 1993 where she graduated on top of her class with honor and multiple awards.

Home. Welcome to St James Dental Group If you are looking for a gentle, courteous, and friendly dentist in Cudahy CA, you’ve come to the right place!


Practice Updates Regarding Coronavirus – St. James Dental Group. CoronaVirus BASED ON RECOMMENDATIONS from the ADA and the CDC, we’re temporarily changing the way our practice operates.

Practice Updates Regarding Coronavirus – St. James Dental Group

We recommend that all of our patients check the CDC’s website for information on the coronavirus and what we can do to slow the spread. St James Dental Group - 7607 Atlantic Ave., Cudahy, CA. What Causes My Bad Breath? - homepage. Porcelain Crowns Cudahy CA. Oral health linked to systemic diseases – Home. Did you know that oral health can offer clues about your overall health?

Oral health linked to systemic diseases – Home

According to health experts, oral healthcare is much more than just maintaining that beautiful smile, as many serious diseases are associated with poor oral hygiene. Your mouth is home to millions of bacteria, most are harmless. Normally the body’s natural defenses and good oralhealth care can keep these bacteria under control.

However when these bacteria get out of control, they cause tooth decay and gum disease/periodontal disease. Gum Disease Linked To Systemic Diseases The signs and symptoms of many potentially life-threatening diseases appear in the mouth first. Systemic diseases associated with gum disease: *From strokes, heart disease to Alzheimer’s disease, your gums reveal a lot about your overall health. Danger Signs: Smoking and Oral Health – Home. Smoking and Oral Care As adults, we all know that cigarette or tobacco smoking is hazardous to our body’s health.

Danger Signs: Smoking and Oral Health – Home

But do we really know how smoking and oral health come hand in hand? Nowadays, a lot of people, even the young ones, are captivated in smoking because of the lack of education of what the threats are. • Gives you a stinky breath. The tar and nicotine are left around the mouth, like the tongue, gums, and cheeks that causes bad breath. Throat, gums and internal side of the cheek. 5 Ways Stress Can Affect Your Oral Health – Home. Did you know that your oral health can be affected by stress?

5 Ways Stress Can Affect Your Oral Health – Home

Yes, a headache, a stomachache and apprehensions signifies stress. Dental Care: What Is The Right Toothbrush For Your Child? – Home. Dental care home regimen involves things like finding the right toothpaste, toothbrush, mouth rinse, floss and correct technique for brushing and flossing.

Dental Care: What Is The Right Toothbrush For Your Child? – Home

Of all these important things to have, the most basic part of dental care is tooth brushing. It would always start on finding the right toothbrush. Toothbrush comes in many forms, shape and colors. All of these attributes are necessary and useful depending on what age group your child belongs to. As an engineering motto goes, “structure defines function”. There are a lot of toothbrushes in the market. When does your child start using toothbrush? As he enters toddlerhood, his toothbrush should be made more capable for brushing a set of 20 teeth.

During pre-school age, the toothbrush is essentially the same with toddler toothbrush. By age six, usually the 2 lower front teeth fall and permanent teeth erupt. At age twelve, the second permanent molars are erupted. Now regarding electric toothbrushes: Are they better? By Ladan Zinati. Facts About Safety of Oral Piercing – Home. As times changed and began to be more open to self-expression, different forms of body arts came about.

Facts About Safety of Oral Piercing – Home

One of these is the oral piercing that is very popular among younger generation. Areas where oral piercing can be found are generally in the lip or tongue. This is seen as safe because many expressionists have them. Unfortunately, this form of art often becomes the focal point of bacteria breeding in the mouth. How to Save Money by Going to Regular Dental Checkups? – Home. Save Money With Dental Checkups You can never save too much.

How to Save Money by Going to Regular Dental Checkups? – Home

If you look closely on the ‘art of spending’, saving on the things or services you purchase is a form of success. Toothaches and Home Remedies – St. James Dental Group. Toothaches and Home Remedies Toothaches can occur anywhere and anytime and it can be one of the most severe and debilitating pains you can experience.

Toothaches and Home Remedies – St. James Dental Group

And in cases where you don’t have an access to the dentist right away, here are a few home remedies you can try out to ease the toothache and give you some relief. But remember, this is just to ease the pain, not to cure it for good. Holiday Dental Special – St. James Dental Group. Holiday Dental Special This holiday season we decided to give a special thanks to our patients and our community by cutting our fees down by up to 50% on most dental treatments and dental services we offer.

Holiday Dental Special – St. James Dental Group

We did this for the month of November, but we saw how much the patients and community were able to get their dental work done where without this they just wouldn’t. So we decided to extend it one more month. Although we have some type of special going on during the year, it has never been so discounted so much. To give back to our patients and communityTo help individuals who really need help to get their dental work done where otherwise they wouldn’tTo have everyone start the new year with a healthy mouth and a beautiful smile It has truly been a pleasure to see the smiles on people’s faces and the genuine appreciation they have for being able to get the dental treatment they needed done. Sensitive Teeth? 6 Reasons Why – St. James Dental Group. Sensitive Teeth There can be a lot of reason why your teeth have grown sensitive. Some, you might got wind of why but there are a lot more reasons that you could have prevented the discomfort of sensitive teeth if you only knew it.

Seniors Are At High Risk For Cavities – St. James Dental Group. Modern dentistry has helped us keep our teeth longer, which is great news. At the same time, because seniors have their teeth longer, chances of dental caries is higher. Teeth are exposed to a number of damaging factors. Everyone can develop cavities, young or old. The good news is, there are numerous ways to prevent tooth decay and numerous techniques in treating them. However, seniors may be more prone to developing cavities. There are several reasons for this: Seniors At High Risk For Cavities.