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NonProfit Knowledge

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Using Mission, Vision and Values to Inspire Volunteer Leadership for Your Organization. By Kay Sprinkel Grace, CFRE As philanthropy matures globally there is an increased desire on the part of organizations in all locations to increase the number and commitment of volunteer leaders involved in fund raising, advocacy and other activities that will benefit the organization and the community.

Using Mission, Vision and Values to Inspire Volunteer Leadership for Your Organization

Whether the organization is volunteer-run and in need of more volunteers, or staff-run and wanting to engage community people in its programs, the goal is the same – to find ways to effectively recruit, enlist and continually inspire volunteers. The three critical factors that attract, inspire and continually motivate volunteers are already at the heart of all successful nonprofits – mission, vision and values. Mission. 2011_WI_Feature_Kania.pdf (application/pdf Object) 311044_NOCP_3.pdf (application/pdf Object) Stop Giving Donors What You Think They Want - Dan Pallotta. By Dan Pallotta | 10:51 AM February 15, 2011 There are two kinds of people in the humanitarian sector.

Stop Giving Donors What You Think They Want - Dan Pallotta

Those obsessed with giving donors what they say they want and those committed to giving donors something more magnificent than anything they ever dreamed they wanted. The latter are in short supply. To respond, Boy Scout-like, to what donors say they want, and to dedicate the whole of your organization to telling them what they want to hear, is at best professionally lazy and at worst a wholesale dereliction of duty.

Donors lead busy lives.