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Handy Tools and Tips for E-Commerce Websites - Smashing Magazine. Advertisement Running an e-commerce website is a never-ending task, from trying to squeeze that extra bit of conversion rate out of the check-out page to figuring out which referrers give you the best traffic. There’s also a plethora of tools out there to help you achieve your goals. But which ones do what, and why should you use some of them? This article introduces some of these tools and offers a tip or two on how to use them. If you own or operate an e-commerce webs, you’ll find one or two things that you haven’t tried before. This article is only the tip of the iceberg.

Analytics Analytics are the key to knowing what’s going on with your website. We’ll focus here on more advanced analytics with the Google tool and assume that you know the basics of metrics. Analytics Tip 1: Advanced Segments Advanced segments allow you to do everything you normally do with Analytics, but with only on a small subset of data.

Want to find out more with more examples? Analytics Tip 2: Custom Reports (al) Five Innovative Facebook Examples from Ecommerce Merchants | Pra. With more than 350 million active users, Facebook’s population has exceeded that of the United States. According to its statistics page, the average user spends more than 55 minutes each day on this social media site, and he or she becomes a fan of at least two pages per month. Since Facebook opened up its platform to developers, the apps and pages available for commercial use have greatly increased in number and influence. Many online retailers have used it as a marketing technique or, in some cases, even as an online storefront in itself. There are many options for using Facebook to market your business, and in this article we’ll be looking at five examples of merchants who have used this popular social media tool to bring more traffic to their online stores.

Victoria’s Secret PINK on Facebook Screenshot of Victoria’s Secret PINK page on Facebook. With more than 1.5 million fans, Victoria’s Secret sub-brand PINK is a Facebook juggernaut. Still, it’s not enough to get fans. Startups & VCs: Learn How to Design, Market, & Eat Your Own Cons. Haven't really gotten on a rant in awhile... guess i've been doing a lot of travel lately, but now that i'm back in California for awhile, there's something i've been meaning to bring up that bothers me. It's kind of a dirty little secret of the startup industry, but there are very few good product, design, and marketing people in tech. And hardly any of them that are good seem to make it into the venture capital profession. (case in point: how come there are no graphic designer VCs?) Now i say this knowing full well that i'm certainly not a genius on any of the items above.

None of this means anything more than perhaps i'm competent in a few operational areas related to consumer internet startups, or at the very least hopefully i'm aware of & acknowledge my limitations. However, over the past 5 years i've consulted with and/or invested in about ~50 startups. Let me say that again. Now many of you might say: aw c'mon dave, you're overstating that a bit don't you think? Honestly folks: Selfridges success highlights importance of ecommerce - news fro. 6 gode råd til en mere troværdig shop | Kristoffer Hjerrild. Du har netop fået en potentiel kunde på din shop…. Hvad sker der??? De smutter igen! Hvorfor mon? Tja.. der findes mange årsager til de besøgende smutter og i dag vil jeg fokusere lidt på hvordan man får skabt en shop som fremstår sikker og troværdig så de bliver på din shop Hvordan får man kunden til at føle sig tryg på din shop? Jo der findes mange måder at skabe en side hvor kunden føler sig sikker på.

Men hvilke? Husk det fundamentale! Før vi går i gang med alt det andet skal din side se ordenlig ud. Du skal have oplysningerne i orden! Hvem ejer shoppen? Det er så vigtigt at du som webshopejere fremhæver disse informationer så kunden ved at du er en troværdig shop som man kan få kontakt til hvis der skulle være noget. Husk et billede Det kan være rigtig godt med et par billeder af dig under fx “Om os”. Overvej om du skal bruge Trustpilot, Emærket eller lignende Rigtig mange bruger Trustpilot, Emærket osv. Sikker handel Siker handel Sikker handel Sikker handel Er du ambitiøs? Interesting 2009 Google facts. 12 Reasons to Use Social Media to Grow Your Business. Social media is fast becoming an essential part part the marketing mix for brands. Companies are increasingly using social tools to monitor conversations about their products, competitors, and industry, and engaging with their customers to build strong relationships.

According Forrester Research's most recent Interactive Marketing Forecast, social media marketing will grow at an annual rate of 34% -— faster than any other form of online marketing and double the average growth rate of 17% for all online mediums: And new research from Access Markets International Partners shows that almost 70% of small and medium businesses actively use social media sites like Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn to promote themselves. But simply posting what your CEO had for lunch isn't going to help much with your branding efforts — it's important to strategically use social media tools to increase exposure and reach your target audience. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

Link to original post Connect: Email marketing: six steps to improving customer engagement in 2. Despite the naysayers claiming email marketing is on the way out thanks to the snowballing impact of social networking and new forms of communication, the facts are very different. Email continues to play a vital role in both business and customer communication. According to Epsilon, email is used more regularly than social networking for personal communication, while 30% of organisations in Econsultancy’s Email Marketing Industry Census claimed an ROI from email in excess of 500%. Where I think the challenge lies is in understanding how to engage customers using email marketing, integrating with other channels like social media, instead of relying on blast broadcasts and hoping that someone will respond because you’ve taken the time to email.

There is so much noise in the world, you need to understand how to make your email communication relevant and worth reading. Here are my tips on what you can do with your email strategy to help improve performance in 2010... 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. eCommerce Advice - Top 10 eCommerce Startup Mistakes. 1inShareinShare1 If you have any experience working in eCommerce, I’m going to bet you can list 10 mistakes you’ve made, or have seen others make while running their online store. Or maybe you’re currently setting up shop online, and need some advice on what pitfalls to avoid.

Below are 10 eCommerce startup mistakes I’ve encountered while working with online businesses. Specifically, many of these blunders are made by companies who are taking a traditional business online for the first time. #1 – Blowing the budget on web development and neglecting marketing: In the brick and mortar world, you get free traffic just by setting up shop on the street corner. . #2 – Getting Stuck in Endless Cycles of Design Revisions: In traditional marketing or store operations, you have to get it right the first time, because it’s too expensive to redo your store signage a week after you open.

. #3 – Forgetting people can’t touch your products: What does this mean? #5 – Using Print media for online media: Build an Ecommerce Home Page that Sells | Hostway Web Resources. By Joyce Harrison You may have a very small business but your Web site has to compete with the big guns. You have only a few seconds to make an impression with “window shoppers” who come to your home page. If your “storefront” doesn’t attract them, one click and you’ve lost potential sales. Here are some tips for creating the ideal ecommerce home page. Make It Quick and Easy to Identify Your Product/Service Get to the point.

Keep the Menu at the Top Place your home page menu where it’s expected to be: at the top and/or on the upper left side. A site that looks organized for easy navigation is critical. Make the Search Box and Cart Obvious Most shoppers are searching for a particular item or service. Your cart along with a customer service or contact link (reassurance for the shopper) typically goes upper right. Use Graphics to Help You Sell A picture is not only worth a thousand words; it’s also an excellent sales tool. Include Keywords and Links in Your Text Check the Browser Views. Email marketing boosts sales across channels: report | Econsulta. When retailers send out emails to their mailing lists, they might hope to see a jump in online sales.

But according to a study conducted by Lightspeed Research on behalf of email marketer e-Dialog, they should also be looking for a jump offline. That's because the study found that nearly 60% of consumers who receive a marketing email are more likely to make an in-store purchase. The even better news: only a small number of consumers indicated that they'd be less likely to make an in-store purchase because of a marketing email.

According to the study, intent does often lead to sales. In China, a whopping 75% of respondents indicated that they had made an in-store or phone purchase after receiving a marketing email. Interestingly, the interaction between the online world and the offline world isn't a one-way street. These findings, of course, aren't really surprising. Photo credit: Don Hankins via Flickr. The “unbundling” of the shopping experience across channels: imp. Do you remember when “unbundling” hit the travel sector? Popularised, maybe even invented, by the likes of Expedia and, the internet allowed customers to create their own ‘custom’ travel experience by breaking down the components, like flights, hotels, car hire and so on, into discrete elements which the customer then configured.

I think the same is happening to the retail shopping experience. And, if I’m right, there are some very considerable implications for retailers and those that play in the retail chain. Chris Roe, now at Virgin Holidays, claimed to have invented “unbundling” whilst at Expedia many moons ago. You can look at the customer buying process in a number of ways. It’s not rocket science. (I assume the ‘desire’ or ‘attention’ or ‘intent’ part of the process i.e. you already know you want something.)Research: this clearly happens both online and offline.Purchase: this clearly also happens both online and offline. Then came the internet. Purchase Delivery. 3 ting din landing page ikke må fejle på - hvis du vil sælge nog. Der er 3 hovedelementer som din landing page - eller kampagne side skal indeholde - og et væld at småting som kan forbedre konverteringen.

Læs videre og find ud af hvad disse ting er - og hvordan du kan bruge dem i din e-forretning. Jeg arbejder til dagligt med konverteringsoptimering for en række større og mindre virksomheder, og det slår mig hver gang, hvor lidt kendskab der er til brugernes adfærd. Det er kun i de absolut mest specialiserede af slagsen hvor man kan forvente en hvis grad af kendskab til området. De er så til gængæld super dygtige. For dig som ikke lige ved hvad en landing page er, så er det meget kort sagt, den første side som dine besøgende møder efter at have klikket på et link i søgemaskinerne eller et af dine bannere (altså de links du selv kontrollere - med andre ord - din online markedsføring).

Denne side er en side som du sikkert aldrig har tænkt over er speciel vigtig, fordi du lider af hvad kan kalde købs-situations blindhed. 1. 2. PDF to Flash Flip Book / Page Flip / Online Magazine - Pagegangs.