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Forked from: パーティクル崩し. Darkness Falls on Rhea. Encircling a Giant. Theatre: Cassini ISS Movie Clips. CloudFlare Builds ‘Stop Censorship’ App, Lets Sites Easily “Black Out” Against SOPA. Whatever position you may take on SOPA, or on whether or not sites should black out against SOPA (Yes it has come to this), the issue has reached a boiling point today with sites like Wikipedia and Reddit pledging to blackout on Wednesday in order to further raise awareness of the measure’s pitfalls. Because SOPA and PIPA threaten the existence of sites that link to copyright infringing content (like Twitter, Wikipedia, Facebook and every other site on the Internet) the bills — which are currently stalled in Congress — have sparked a massive online backlash. In addition to Reddit, Wikipedia and Icanhazcheezburger, Web security startup and TechCrunch Disrupt runner up CloudFlare has thrown its large hat into the anti-SOPA ring, with the “CloudFlare Stop Censorship” app — which essentially solves investor Fred Wilson’s problem of not knowing exactly how to black out.

2879_7620_1.jpg (JPEG Image, 11560 × 7708 pixels) - Scaled (8. Theatre: Cassini Feature Films. On June 18 2006, we commemorated the 64th birthday of former Beatle Paul McCartney by releasing on this website a brief movie, produced by Diamond Sky Productions, LLC, highlighting sixty-four of Cassini's most spectacular images, accompanied by brief passages from 24 Beatles songs. Unfortunately, not long after the movie was released, it was brought to our attention that we were in violation of copyright law in using even short segments of Beatles songs. We immediately withdrew it. In the meantime, we continued to improve the production. We corrected some glaring editing glitches that made their way into the first version, we improved the quality of the video rendering and compression as well as the audio tracks, and we re-titled it to distinguish it from the first version.

We have posted it once again to this website, only this time without the soundtrack. Maybe some of the more adventurous among you will take on the challenge of trying to reproduce for yourselves our labor of love. Perspective. Most-common-words-in-english-proverbs-1.gif (GIF Image, 856 × 513 pixels) Liberty.jpg (JPEG Image, 225 × 301 pixels) Astronomy Picture of the Day Archive.