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Cairo with GDI. Transparent DirectX windows. Own Scripting Language. Current URL from Browser. Marker Detection for Augmented Reality Applications. Tag(s): Hobbyprojecten, Open Source [update] We received a lot of comments requesting for the source code.

Marker Detection for Augmented Reality Applications

At the moment we are very busy, so unfortunately we haven't had the time to clean-up the marker detection code. Marker_detection.pdf (application/pdf-Objekt) ID3 algorithm. In decision tree learning, ID3 (Iterative Dichotomiser 3) is an algorithm invented by Ross Quinlan[1] used to generate a decision tree from a dataset. ID3 is the precursor to the C4.5 algorithm, and is typically used in the machine learning and natural language processing domains. Algorithm[edit] The ID3 algorithm begins with the original set. Visual Thinking.