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Web Layouts Web Layouts using Gimp | Gimp Tutorials Wisdom. Web Graphics Web Graphics using Gimp | Gimp Tutorials Wisdom. Blog Theme Design tutorial | - Gimp , tutoria. Preview: Finally I have managed to put my self together and create another blog template tutorial! Sorry to all those who were counting on it before,i just didn't have the time for it but anyway here it is. so enjoy! Getting Started Creating this template is very easy, it just needs some patience and a little effort, so what ever you do. don't give up.Here is the outcome of this tutorial. Hopefully a member of the forum will help out in coding this template to a working wordpress theme, so keep an eye out for it :). Updated The theme has been converted a wordpress theme to see a live demo or download click here Before we jump into this gimp tutorial ill need to remind you that i will only go into details of how to do cretin techniques once and then ill just describe it briefly when ever its repeated so pay attention.

Step 1: First thing will do is create the content box's transparent border. this effect is easy and gives a nice touch to the design. Step 2: Step 3: Here is how it should look. Note. How To Create Your Own Website Design Using Gimp | Gimp-tutorial. Preview: It's only been a few days since i started with gimp and i already feel pretty comfortable with it, so i decide to create a website tutorial using Gimp. for first time users its advisable to check out for a quick overview of Gimp's tools and interference none the less its pretty straight forward and easy.

Here is the out come of this tutorial Step 1 Create a new Image 780x1000 Step2 Fill the background with the colour #ededed using the fill bucket tool. Step 3 Create a new layer and name it 'Header'. Step 4 Use the Rectangle select tool and Drag across the full width which is 780x and a height of 125x use the Ruler as guides. Step 5 Now Select the Fill with Gradient tool and pick the FG to BG (RGB) Gradient and add the color 000000 for FG and BG to 3a4146 Step 6 Now Drag from top to bottom make sure the line perfectly straight.

It should look like this now For the logo will create a simple text as a logo with some reflection effect. Step 7 Step 8 Step 9 Step 10 Step 11 Step12 Step 13 Step 14. Creating an Awesome Website Design With Gimp - Fantastic Web Des. If you do a Google search for Photoshop web design tutorial, you will get about 107,000,000 results. It seems to me that there are not enough Gimp tutorials. So, I decided to put together my own. Today, we will be creating a simple blog and portfolio design, using Gimp. By simple, I mean that you can create this using only the Rectangle Select Tool, Bucket Fill Tool, Blend Tool, Paths Tool, Text Tool, and a couple of others. Next week, we will be converting our design into HTML and CSS, so that we will be able to make a WordPress theme out of it. So, let's get started with the tutorial!

Step 1 Start up Gimp, and create a new image, with a size of 980px by 720px. Step 2 Create the following layers in your image. featuredlatestPostslatestWorknavads Create a box on each layer, by dragging out the Rectangular Select Tool, and using the Bucket Fill Tool to fill the area with #27211b. In the screenshot, the boxes are white, but that was just before I decided what colour to use.

Step 3 Step 4 Step 5.