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Seven hours of screencasts on the DLR, IronPython and IronRuby f. NET 4.0 FAQ - DLR. Introduction Where do I get .Net 4.0 from? What are the important new features in .NET 4.0? What’s the most important new feature of .NET 4.0? What is DLR in .NET 4.0 framework? Can you give more details about DLR subsystem? How can we consume an object from dynamic language and expose a class to dynamic languages? Can we see a sample of ‘Dynamic’ objects? What’s the difference between ‘Dynamic’, ‘Object’ and reflection?

What are the advantages and disadvantage of dynamic keyword? What are expando objects? Can we implement our own ‘Expando’ object? What is the advantage of using custom ‘Expando’ class? What are IDynamicMetaObjectProvider and DynamicMetaObject? Can we see performance difference between reflection and dynamic object execution? Thanks, Thanks and Thanks .NET 4.0 detail list of new features .NET 3.5 FAQ’s Introduction In this article we will discuss about what new features are provided by .NET framework 4.0. Sorry for the repost. Where do I get .Net 4.0 from? DLR has 3 basic subsystems:-

Create your own language on the DLR. Berne, Göttingen, Europe Le 16 octobre 2008, nous célébrerons le 300e anniversaire de la naissance d’Albrecht von Haller (1708 – 1777). Savant universel, Haller compte parmi les personnalités les plus éminentes du Siècle des lumières et a été un des plus grands scientifiques de la Suisse de tous les temps. A la fois fondateur de la physiologie expérimentale, explorateur de la flore suisse et poète des Alpes, il a ouvert de nouvelles perspectives à la médecine, à la botanique et à la littérature par l’excellence de ses travaux. Nommé professeur à Göttingen, il y a créé le célèbre Jardin botanique et marqué de son empreinte la jeune université, faisant d’elle une institution moderne vouée à la recherche.

En tant que magistrat, il sut préserver son pays des épizooties qui, à l’époque, sévissaient en Europe et mit au point des procédés économes en énergie pour exploiter le sel. Haller 300. Expression evaluator in 15 minutes. Evaluation of a string expression to a value is a common programming task. Almost any college course in informatics includes this excercise. It involves implementing some fundamental algorithms and structures such as: recursive-descent parser, regexp matching, traversal algorithms, syntax tree, hash-tables, etc. And for sure it should be done on some pure programming language such as ANSI C or Pascal. .NET Framework brought a lot of in-box algorithms and structures which simplifies the usual live of software developer. But fortunately there are some new tools that facilitate producing language parsers and their interpreters/compilers. DLR will be a part of the upcoming .NET Framework 4.0 and C#. Irony is a library for creating parsers in C#. About a year ago I’ve posted few posts about using DLR for creating dynamic languages: DLR Language Part 1DLR Language Part 2DLR Language Part 3 Also I’ve used Irony to create Script.NET.

So, please take a look at the results. IronScheme.