Critique of recent criticisms of Freud on religious belief. Sigmund Freud Revision notes. 1 freud and religion. Resource. What Did Freud Think About Religion? C2 T2 Challenges to Religious Belief. Freud Eduqas revision guide. Freud and Religion Workbook. A level theme 2d psychology of religion freud by peter manning from rs review jan 2015 1. 2 support and challenges to freud. Psychology and religion revision booklet. C2T2 Challenges to Religious Belief Freud. Extract - Ego, Id and Superego. 1.
As the id is primitive (infantile), and in a sense compulsive part of the psyche, and driven by the ‘pleasure principle’. It represents the unruly passions – one of the horse’s pulling Plato’s chariot in the analogy of the charioteer. The picture is of the screaming and demanding infant that needs to be taught/develop self-control. There is actually a conflict also within the id between eros (creative life instinct) and thanatos (destructive death instinct) – an intriguing idea when we consider the way society misuses and misunderstands the role of eros in the psyche.
Freud used a related horse analogy (a bit different for the charioteer) “Freud made the analogy of the id being a horse while the ego is the rider. 2. 3. “The superego’s function is to control the id’s impulses, especially those which society forbids, such as sex and aggression. See for example. Freud and the psychology of religion. We’ve nothing to fear from Freud. The father of psychoanalysis can help Christians in their search for the true face of God ‘Is Freud Dead?”
Asked Time magazine on its front cover in November 1993. I was an undergraduate student in psychology in Canada at the time when this cover assaulted my plans to train as a psychoanalyst. I later abandoned that path for other reasons, but have never abandoned my belief that Freud is a hugely important and – especially among Christians – much misunderstood figure.
Freud’s actual death took place in 1939 in London, to which he moved in the spring of 1938 “to die in freedom”, as he put it in his customarily unsparing fashion. It is appropriate this year for Catholics to reconsider Freud’s legacy for two reasons. Christians, in particular, have sometimes seen the latter book as proof that Freud was nothing more than a “godless Jew” (Freud’s own phrase for himself) who was obsessed with sex and denying the existence of God. Popes before Francis have also been positive. What Freud didn’t understand about sexuality. C G Jung said Freud refused to acknowledge the spiritual and mystical side of human experience I recently reread C G Jung’s Memories, Dreams and Reflections, a late series of interviews with Aniela Jaffe, in which he touched on his early life and its influences, his interpretation of many of his dreams and his perspective on the “spirit world.”
I put this in quote marks because Jung’s spirituality was entirely gnostic and not to be confused with Christian spirituality – even if he does acknowledge the psychological benefits of the Catholic sacrament of Confession. Yet, given his long predilection for and experience of dealing with madness, neurosis and psychosis, he could be insightful about other people’s inner tensions, none more so than about his former friend, colleague and mentor, Sigmund Freud. In this book Jung records a conversation with Freud in which the latter said to him, “My dear Jung, promise me never to abandon the sexual theory.
That is the most essential thing of all. Freud AO1 & AO2 questions. Freud ao1 eduqas. Freud ao2 eduqas. Freud ao2 successful challenge to religion. Philosophy of religion - Freud AO2. Science answers the question “how” while religion answers the question “why”.
They deal with two very different areas. Religion involves faith while science is concerned with facts. But it is admitted that “science has no methods for deciding what is ethical.” So that supports the view that science and religion are incompatible. PsychologyAttack. Extract - Evaluating Freud. Source John F Kihlstrom, Personality, Chapter 8 But Is It True?
This question can’t be answered without considering the various levels at which psychoanalytic theory is presented. At its most general level of explanation, in terms of the metapsychological propositions, psychoanalytic theory doesn’t look much different from other psychological theories of mind and behavior. So, at this level, psychoanalytic theory appears to be true — at least as true as any other psychological theory. AO2 Evaluate Freud Model Paragraph. Freud ao2 successful challenge to religion. Freud Mindmap.