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Step Up, part of BCW India Group is a specialized communications agency for startups and entrepreneurs. Through a focused communications approach combining traditional media relations and digital storytelling, we help build and sustain the reputation for startups in India.

5 Branding Tips For Your Startup. The startup ecosystem is highly competitive.

5 Branding Tips For Your Startup

With each day, numerous startups enter the market. Therefore, to stand out, Startup founders must have a distinct identity for their ventures. Public Relations for Startups - Stepup. PR Firm for Startups in India - Step UP. Best Startup PR Agency in India - Step UP. Best PR Agency for Startups In India. Communication Agency for Startups. Meeting customers’ existing requirements while innovating to address unmet needs is like changing the tyres of a car while driving.

Communication Agency for Startups

Entrepreneurs know this is hard but unavoidable. Disruptors capture massive marketshare quickly when they identify and solve a problem effectively. They retain their lead when they keep innovating to meet evolving needs. Best Digital marketing agencies for startups. With every passing day, the competition within marketplaces keeps increasing.

Best Digital marketing agencies for startups

Startups have a further challenge as they are continuously competing with already well-established brands. It is essential that for a startup to become top of mind recall for its target audience they need to become known and popular. The easiest and fastest way for a startup to build a good and strong recall is to engage with their audience through the medium best used by them i.e., social media. Digital marketing or social media campaigns are not new, nor are they unexplored. But post lockdown and covid, reliance on the social media platform to stay connected with the audience has increased many folds. Building enduring relationships with purpose-led communications. With the second COVID wave impacting families and businesses everywhere, there has been immense pressure on healthcare workers and infrastructure.

Building enduring relationships with purpose-led communications

People have turned to social media to find help and to support one another by sharing leads for COVID relief equipment, medicines, and other resources. The Indian startup community stepped up to help people in need despite taking blows on its own staff, resources, and business. Young entrepreneurs are not just social-media savvy, they are also hyper-focused on solving problems. Finding solutions to issues that seem insurmountable is what drives them. Public relations for startups Public relations for startups are essential when it comes to building a recall for the business and establishing expertise for the founding team. In these uncertain times, sustaining a business, however big or small it may be, can be a daunting task.

Public relations for startups Public relations for startups are essential when it comes to building a recall for the business and establishing expertise for the founding team

While established businesses may have a cushion of years of experience and credibility built through their expertise, startups struggle on that front. This is where a good public relations campaign can play a pivotal role in building a solid foundation for startups. Public relations for startups are essential when it comes to building a recall for the business and establishing expertise for the founding team. A startup begins on a clean and new slate, and most startups have little to no brand presence, which is why it is necessary to recognize the efforts and time invested behind each idea that a startup has begun with. This idea needs to be put across to the media in a compelling manner. Re-connect to recover in 2021. In 2020, we saw that relationships at the core of those that have been able to pull themselves through.In 2021, Reboot, refresh, re-energise are going to be the mantras for recovery.

Re-connect to recover in 2021

But that’s not going to be enough. Re-connect will be just as important, writes Vandana Sandhir, Chief Client Officer, Genesis BCW. Marketing guru Seth Godin famously said, “People do not buy goods and services. They buy relations, stories and magic.” Never has that been truer than in 2020.