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我們的教育出了什麼問題? (6 Problems with our School System) 《英文分級小說 選書完全攻略》中級/中高級篇 Oxford Bookworms系列 @ Douze Academy. 想讀讀英文小說, 卻不知如何從茫茫書海中挑選到最適合自己的書嗎?

《英文分級小說 選書完全攻略》中級/中高級篇 Oxford Bookworms系列 @ Douze Academy

覺得小說太長、太難, 看一頁就放棄嗎? 你需要看看以下的分析及指引, 讓你在英文學習路上能繼續勇往直前! # 英文分級小說完全攻略 # 中級/中高級篇 對於程度中級以上、想多接觸英文分級小說的讀者, 我推薦這兩套書籍: Oxford Bookworms系列與Macmillan Readers系列。 9 Amazing Examples of How We Influence Our Brains. The human brain is probably the most mysterious organ in our body.

9 Amazing Examples of How We Influence Our Brains

Scientists constantly learn new facts about its work, but it still hides lots of secrets. Bright Side decided to acquaint you with the brightest discoveries of the last few years in the field of brain research. They will surely surprise you. These popsicles are made from polluted water - CNN. They are the creation of three design students from the National Taiwan University of the Arts, Hong Yi-chen, Guo Yi-hui, and Zheng Yu-di.

These popsicles are made from polluted water - CNN

"The water comes from 100 different polluted water sources in Taiwan, ranging from rivers to ports to ditches," Hong Yi-chen told CNN. Along with suspiciously colorful waters (due mostly to industrial dye), the popsicles contain bugs, dirt, dead fish, cigarette butts, nets, oil and plastic waste in various forms, such as wrappers, bottle caps and miscellaneous packaging. Born as a graduation project, "100% Polluted Water Popsicles" has captured the attention of the media and has been featured in several exhibitions in Taipei, including the Taipei World Trade Center's Young Designers Exhibition 2017. "We had this idea because we believe clean water resources for everyone is a very important thing," said Hong.

Around 90 percent of the solid waste in the popsicles is plastic. The project has also been nominated for the 2017 Young Pin Design award. Quizizz. Ray Du English 阿滴英文. 英語學習不只是課本,更重要的是如何能把課本中學到的知識應用出來。

Ray Du English 阿滴英文

透過這些常見的ESL教室活動,把學到的單字文法遊戲化,讓學生享受學英文的樂趣! 阿滴我從高三推甄上大學後就開始家教,一直教到大學畢業。 大學畢業後則是投入補習班教學,前前後後加起來有超過七年的教學經驗,不過不管是教哪個年齡教哪個等級,我的課堂裡絕對不會少的就是遊戲化的課程設計。 我在補習班的那些日子 我個人喜歡玩遊戲,身為老師我更喜歡玩遊戲。 因此,我上課時一定會試著帶入可以應用英文的遊戲。 角色扮演 在真實世界裡,角色不只有「老師」和「學生」,是有各式各樣的角色需要扮演的。 創新教育工作坊實況報導 - 學思達教學網. 創新教育工作坊實況報導 - 學思達教學網. Quizizz,讚! @ 姝瑩老師 與 201小可愛的 ☆生活.學習筆記☆ Untitled. 讓學生上傳作業到老師的Google雲端硬碟 – 教師電腦教學e教室. 使用Google App Script讓學生可以不用登入,就能上傳檔案到老師的Google雲端 1.開啟程式碼: 2.修改檔名及存放的資料夾名稱 3.點選【執行】→【doGet】,並允許授權 4.部署網路應用程式 5.複製並公佈網址 6.檢視上傳後的檔案 •可在檔案的「詳細資料」中看到上傳者資訊 •重複檔名一樣可以儲存.

讓學生上傳作業到老師的Google雲端硬碟 – 教師電腦教學e教室

改變突破:成長思維 VS 固定思維|I.D.E.A:你需要改變嗎? 從外太空懂到內子宮! 37 個免費線上課程網站打破一成不變的生活. 編譯 / 劉正翔 你覺得生活一層不變嗎?

從外太空懂到內子宮! 37 個免費線上課程網站打破一成不變的生活

是否曾經想著學習新知識,卻又因高額學費怯步,或又以沒有時間為理由。 最糟糕的情況是,繳了大筆學費又嘆無聊浪費時間。 來來來,現在就告訴你 37 個「上知天文、下知地理的實用網站,從自然科學、藝術等專業課程,到超級實用的科技網站和 apps 教學,從「鷹嘴豆泥醬實做」到「在 node.js 建構你的 apps」都傾囊相授。 只要躺在沙發或滑滑手機就能享受互動教學,重點是免費、免費、免費。 TAKE AN ONLINE COURSE 線上課程類 edX —Take online courses from the world’s best universities. Coursera —Take the world’s best courses, online, for free. Coursmos —Take a micro-course anytime you want, on any device.

Highbrow —Get bite-sized daily courses to your inbox. Skillshare —Online classes and projects that unlock your creativity. Curious —Grow your skills with online video lessons. —Learn technology, creative and business skills. CreativeLive —Take free creative classes from the world’s top experts. 學英文,怎麼學?|教育|2011-04-28|即時|天下雜誌. 英語教育已經延伸到這麼早開始學習,如果我們還是讓六歲的小孩,學習的方法和內容,跟我們以前國高中學的一樣,那只不過是浪費資源、提早消耗他對英文的興趣,又沒有讓孩子真正學好英文。


這幾年兒童英語教育的爭議重點,一直擺在「時間」。 家長非常關心「when」:什麼時候學,但是我要提醒家長的是「how」:如何學才是重點。 點燃英語力與創造力: 英語創意教學實務分享與交流 - Google Slides. 龍騰文化全球資訊網. Free with No Registration Required. You must have an OLD browser. The old crossword maker doesn't allow all of the new features like cool fonts, adding images, shadows, special colors, and much more coming in the furture like saving, and being playable online. You can upgrade your browser to IE 9+ or better yet, get the Google Chrome browser and enjoy all of those great features. Not convinced? You can go to the old version by clicking choosing it below. 2 reasons crosswords will not generate: 1. 1. Take the following example word list: "home, cat, dog". A slightly different impossible list: "home", "dog", "lizard" - all 3 have letters that they share!

When you add a bunch of words, the chance for it being an impossible can increase (depending on many factors). Making Learning Awesome! - Kahoot! Martinachen added: 你真的了解什麼是"上癮"嗎?科普頻道為你破解迷思 (中文字幕) PaGamO. 超越教育!線上學習新革命. 均一教育平台. Class Dojo: 加扣分視覺化.

Mind Mapping