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Curation Tools. Content Curation: Beyond the Institutional Repository and Library Archives - Personal Knowledge Management for Academia & Librarians. If you are an academic librarian, you have been hearing about Data Curation, Content Curation, Information Curation or Digital Curation for years.

Content Curation: Beyond the Institutional Repository and Library Archives - Personal Knowledge Management for Academia & Librarians

And the terms can be applied in several different ways. How Curated Content Performance Beats Original Content. Should I create original content or curate content from others?

How Curated Content Performance Beats Original Content

Many content marketers don’t EVEN consider this question. 6 Steps to More Effective Content Curation. 4 “Not So Obvious” Reasons Good Content Curation Is Important. We all know, or at least you should, that having enough relevant, selfless, valuable content in your streams is highly important.

4 “Not So Obvious” Reasons Good Content Curation Is Important

Curating great content from sources outside of your own, in large enough quantities on a daily basis is the center of any effective social media marketing strategy. That selfless value provided to your audience is what tends to spark conversations, establish thought leadership on various topics and earns you the right to “pitch” your stuff. Beyond the more clear reasons that curated content is effective and used by so many in social media, there are a few not so obvious reasons that you need to be aware of. Understanding these additional objectives when curating enough content in your streams will help you expand what you are doing and the results you can achieve.

Top 100+ Content Marketing Tools. Creating and promoting your content is a BIG task.

Top 100+ Content Marketing Tools

In fact, I often spend a few days writing a single blog post. The one you’re reading right now took 12+ hours. But it’s well worth the effort. Content Marketing (when done properly) can attract thousands of visitors to your blog posts, grow your subscriber list, and build a raving fan base around your products and services. It’s not easy. But… 5 Content Curation Sites for Data Visualization. Jon Salm published on July 11, 2014 in Design Infographics, data visualizations, and interactive visual projects are popular for a reason.

5 Content Curation Sites for Data Visualization

They capture imaginations, command attention, and teach new things. Above all, however, they are simply fun to look at. If you’ve spent some time getting lost in all of the projects on Visually’s community page, you know what I mean. 1. Curated by: Jason Oberholtzer, Cody Westphal, “Chartists in Residence” | @ilovecharts I Love Charts is one of the best known visual blogs on the web.

I Love Charts 2. Curated by: Bloomberg Visual Data Team | @BBGVisualData While data-driven news outlets have catapulted into the public eye recently in FiveThirtyEight, The Upshot, and Vox, few have produced truly stunning visual news projects. Content Curation for Nonprofits – Notes from #13ntccur8. This year at the Nonprofit Technology Conference, I had the pleasure of designing and facilitating a session on “Content Curation for Nonprofits” with Will Coley.

Content Curation for Nonprofits – Notes from #13ntccur8

This blog post offers reflections and resources from the session. I’ve been a content curator for many years, using the techniques to help me develop curriculum materials for workshops and blog posts – as a form of professional development. Will Coley, comes to the topic understanding how activists and activist organizations are using the techniques as part of their content and engagement strategies. Will is also does a lot of work with video – so when he proposed that we incorporate video interviews as part of the session, I was thrilled.

The session was designed to balance content delivery with peer interaction. What universities have in common with record labels - Quartz. If you spent the 1990s plucking songs from a stack of cassettes to make the perfect mixtape, you probably welcomed innovations of the next decade that served your favorite albums up as individual songs, often for free.

What universities have in common with record labels - Quartz

The internet’s power to unbundle content sparked a rapid transformation of the music industry, which today generates just over half of the $14 billion it did in 2000—and it’s doing the same thing to higher education. The unbundling of albums in favor of individual songs was one of the biggest causes of the music industry’s decline. It cannibalized the revenue of record labels as 99-cent songs gained popularity over $20 albums. It also changed the way music labels had to operate in order to maintain profitability. The traditional services of labels: identifying artists; investing in them; recording, publishing, and distributing their work; and marketing them—are now increasingly offered a la carte. For consumers, unbundling music is a mixed blessing. Creating a Content Curation System and Increasing Social Media Productivity. One of the most common questions we hear from prospects and clients is: How can you be effective with social media marketing while preventing it from being a major time sink?

Creating a Content Curation System and Increasing Social Media Productivity

To be honest, this is a daily challenge even for us. The fact of the matter is social media marketing is very labor intensive and difficult to scale. Between upfront strategic planning, creating unique content that genuinely helps and engages people, and constantly monitoring customer feedback, time management quickly becomes a struggle. Having simultaneously managed social media for Strategexe and multiple clients, I’ve been pushed to find the most efficient ways to stay on top of social media. CONTENT CURATION. Curation: Creatively Filtering Content. We are living in an era of information overload.

Curation: Creatively Filtering Content

So much content is shared online that curation is needed as a way to get value out of the information flood. Content curation is the process of shifting through the vast abundance of content on the Internet to select the best, most relevant resource, on a specific topic or theme, so that we can organize, manage and collate the content for ourselves and share with others.

Content curation is about working smarter and not harder. Content curation is also a reflective process; as you curate resources you reflect on their value. Reflection makes new information stick in your brain. DCC Curation Lifecycle Model. The model enables granular functionality to be mapped against it: to define roles and responsibilities and build a framework of standards and technologies to implement.

DCC Curation Lifecycle Model

It can be used to help identify additional steps that may be required – or actions not required by certain situations or disciplines – and to ensure that processes and policies are adequately documented. Click on the model below to find out more about specific steps or to download the Curation Lifecycle Model. Blogging as a Curation Platform. I have written about curation before using Twitter as a Curation Tool and about the importance of helping our Students Becoming Curators of Information. Sue Waters also just published a very comprehensive Curation: Creatively Filtering Content on her blog.

According to Heidi Cohen Content curation requires more than just the selection of information. It’s the assembling, categorizing, commenting and presenting of the best content available. I want to take a look at curation through the lens of blogging. Curator:Consciously becoming the curator for others for a particular niche, area of expertise or interest. The same uses apply to blogging as a curation tool with the difference that blogging allows you greater freedom in terms of length, presentation formatting and design, as well as connecting and hyperlinking. Content is king: easy & simple ways to curate relevant content.

Huge Social-Media Manager Does All Day. Good Reads. Content Curation Primer. Photo by Stuck in Customs What is Content Curation? Content curation is the process of sorting through the vast amounts of content on the web and presenting it in a meaningful and organized way around a specific theme. The work involves sifting, sorting, arranging, and publishing information. A content curator cherry picks the best content that is important and relevant to share with their community. It isn’t unlike what a museum curator does to produce an exhibition: They identify the theme, they provide the context, they decide which paintings to hang on the wall, how they should be annotated, and how they should be displayed for the public.


Milq Aims to Separate Wheat From Social Media Chaff. Photo Social media users know the frustration: a deluge of videos, images and music clips flows through their news feeds all the time, some of it precious (Miles Davis discussing Prince!) , but mostly not (Here’s what I ate for breakfast!). How can users separate the essential content from the utterly disposable? How can they intelligently organize and share the most interesting of the media ephemera flying past them constantly on Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr? The people behind Milq, a new website and app, say they have one solution: change the network. “The ingredients are all there for a golden age of curation, but it’s not,” said Don MacKinnon, one of the three founders. Content Curation. Curation in Learning. I’m getting very excited about the possibilities of using more digital curation in learning. The trouble with curation is that I’m seeing it everywhere.

As such I wanted to come up with a short framework that I could use to talk about how I see curation in learning being used, both at the organisation level and for individuals. So, go easy on me; here’s what I’m proposing… We can think of digital curation as being useful to us in four broad roles that I’m calling Inspiration, Aggregation, Integration and Application. How Do You Stop A Content Thief?