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Recueillir des poules pondeuses. Vous souhaitez recueillir des poules pondeuses chez vous pour les sortir des élevages.

Recueillir des poules pondeuses

Belle initiative ! Voici quelques astuces et conseils pour que cela se passe le mieux possible. Où trouver des poules ? Elevage poules pondeuses bio. Le mythe du plein air. Some animal rights organizations have made tremendous strides in educating the public about what exactly occurs in battery hen operations.

Le mythe du plein air

They have exposed the ugly truth, such as tens of thousands of hens crowded into long, poorly ventilated, completely dark sheds, fully automated feeding and egg collecting systems, filth, death and suffering. The recognition of how horrible the short lives of “battery hens” are has led many people to stop contributing to this atrocity by simply not buying those eggs.