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Bibliotheques js

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GreenSock. Backbone.js. Easily and semantically add captions to images. Codrops/Calendario. Isotope. Three.js - JavaScript 3D library. Leaflet - a JavaScript library for mobile-friendly maps. Favico.js - Make a use of your favicon. Badges Animate your favicon with animated badges.

favico.js - Make a use of your favicon

You can customize type of animation, position, background color and text color. Slide animation. jQuery Mapael. jQuery Mapael - Build dynamic vector maps #Overview jQuery Mapael is a jQuery plugin based on raphael.js that allows you to display dynamic vector maps.

jQuery Mapael

For example, with Mapael, you can display a map of the world with clickable countries. Sidr - A jQuery plugin for creating side menus. FitText - A plugin for inflating web type. Animate.css - a bunch of plug-and-play CSS animations.

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CSS-Only Responsive Layout with Smooth Transitions. Arctext.js - Curving text with CSS3 and jQuery. Snap.js. Animated CSS3 Photo Stack. Font Awesome, the iconic font designed for use with Twitter Bootstrap.