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Tube Amplifier

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Der Treffpunkt für Elektronik, Mikrocontroller, Röhre, Forum, Platinen, Schaltungen, Onlineshop. Norman Koren Vacuum tube audio page. Shift-click to download the tube models as a compressed file which must be "unzipped" with Pkunzip, Winzip or a similar program. 87 kB. SPICE and the art of preamplifier design An update of an article originally published Glass Audio, Vol. 9, No. 2, p. 1 and No. 4, p. 38, 1997. Discusses preamplifier design using the Dynaco PAS as an example. Contains designs with outstanding sound quality, some suitable for PAS modification projects, some for new projects. The Emperor's New AmplifierTM My ultimate dream amplifier. 80 watts of class AB2 triode power with low feedback (none global) using a wide bandwidth toroidal output transformer with a servo to maintain dc-balance. Duncan's Amp Pages The best source of vacuum tube data sheets and links. Art Ludwig's Sound Page Lots of great stuff on the physics of sound, human hearing, and audio design.

The Art of Electronics by Paul Horowitz and Winfield Hill. WinSpice A free Spice3F4 Port for Windows 95, 98, 2000 & NT. James E. - The Cooperative Tube Guitar Amp Project. Duncan's Amp Pages. Basics of vacuum tubes. Frag Jan zuerst- Ask Jan first: Roehren und mehr. Frank's electron Tube Data sheets. Pete Millett's DIY Audio pages. Röhrenseite von Hans Borngräber. Jogis Roehrenbude - Roehrenradios, Roehrenverstaerker und vieles mehr. DIY Vacuum Tube (Valve) Amplifier Projects - Hi-Fi Audio.

*** *** Röhrenverstärker - HiFi & HighEnd Röhrentechnik - Wenn der Röhrenverstärker zur Nebensache wird. Linksammlung für Schematics & more...