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Beamer (LaTeX) Beamer is a LaTeX document class for creating slides for presentations. It supports both pdfLaTeX and LaTeX + dvips. The name is taken from the German word Beamer, a pseudo-anglicism for video projector. The beamer class is not the first LaTeX class for creating presentations, and like many of its predecessors, it has special syntax for defining 'slides' (known in Beamer as 'frames'). Slides can be built up on-screen in stages as if by revealing text that was previously hidden or covered.

This is handled with PDF output by creating successive pages that preserve the layout but add new elements, so that advancing to the next page in the PDF file appears to add something to the displayed page, when in fact it has redrawn the page. Source code for beamer presentations, like any other LaTeX file, can be created using any text editor, but there is specific support for beamer syntax in AUCTEX and LyX. Beamer depends on PGF for some of its features. Research - LaTeX poster with beamerposter - beamer - a0poster. The LaTeX beamerposter package was created by Philippe Dreuw and Thomas Deselaers. It is an extension of the LaTeX beamer and the a0poster classes in order to create LaTeX posters, e.g. a DIN-A0 size LaTeX poster in landscape or portrait orientation.

Furthermore it is possible to scale the poster fonts to your needs. The package allows you to benefit from the nice color box handling and alignment in the beamer class (e.g. with rounded corners and shadows) in order to create quite fast pretty conference posters. Features: scalable fonts using the fp and type1cm packages posters in DIN-A0, DIN-A1, DIN-A2, DIN-A3, DIN-A4, and custom sizes like double DIN-A0 possible still applicable to custom beamer slides, e.g. 16:9 slides for a widescreen (i.e. 1.78 aspect ratio) orientation: landscape or portrait debug mode LaTeX requirements: The beamerposter package is available from CTAN and from my webpage.

Download an example as beamerposter-example.pdf from our webserver. Could You PowerPoint This? Seven PowerPoint Alternatives – Donor Tools Nonprofit Software. This is a quick follow-up to my post earlier this week about Fuze Meeting. I’m going to be leading a webinar in a couple of weeks (Running IT without an IT Department), I’m on a quest for the perfect combination of web meeting/webinar software and presentation software.

“PowerPoint” is like “Xerox” – sometimes it feels easier (and maybe more descriptive) to say “I’m going to give a ‘powerpoint’” than “I’m going to give a presentation”. But, just as Xerox isn’t the only way to make a copy, Microsoft PowerPoint isn’t the only way to give a presentation. Prezi Prezi is really, really cool. Keynote Keynote is the Apple equivalent to PowerPoint, but it’s oh-so-smooth. 280 Slides 280 Slides is pretty much a Keynote clone. is a file sharing service, but they also have a remote presentation tool called SlideRocket SliceRocket is like 280 Slides in that it’s completely online, but Slide Rocket also lets you present online, to online participants.

Open Office Impress. 40 Essential Rudiments. Drum Lessons, All Free Online Learning Tools for Drummers - Presentation tools. Packend präsentieren mit PowerPoint | Monster. Millionen von PowerPoint-Präsentationen werden täglich auf der Welt gehalten. Die meisten sind zum Einschlafen. Sieben Tipps von Rhetoriktrainer Ingo Vogel, mit denen Sie Ihr Publikum fesseln. Warum schlafen die Zuhörer bei manchen Präsentationen ein, während sie bei anderen gebannt an den Lippen des Vortragenden hängen? Eine Ursache hierfür ist: Während manche ihre Zuhörer nur mit Informationen überhäufen, versuchen andere sie auch emotional zu packen. Ob Abteilungsleiter oder Ingenieur, Verkäufer oder Finanzberater – in vielen Jobs zählt es zu den Aufgaben, Produkte, Konzepte und Ideen vor Kunden, Geschäftspartnern oder Kollegen zu präsentieren. 1.

Immer wieder stellt man bei Präsentationen mit Laptop und Beamer fest: Die Augen der Zuhörer sind auf die Wand hinter dem Präsentator gerichtet. Tipp: Beachten Sie beim Vorbereiten Ihrer Präsentation: Nicht Ihre Charts, sondern Sie müssen die Zuhörer überzeugen. 2. Der Text auf Charts sollte möglichst kurz sein. 6. 7. Prezi - The Zooming Presentation Editor. Upload & Share PowerPoint presentations and documents.