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Step Global

STEP GLOBAL is a consultancy firm comprised of a network of globally licensed lawyers and immigration specialists who provide active guidance through the entire immigration process. We are a single point of contact between all parties involved to ensure the most optimal chances for approval of your application for migration.

A Guide To Residency by Investment. As a privileged opportunity for enthusiastic entrepreneurs, professionals, investors, and HNWIs based across the world, Residency by Investment casts a hassle-free simple path for obtaining the residency and ultimately citizenship of the world’s most developed countries like the U.S. and Canada.

A Guide To Residency by Investment

Due to several pervasive economical, environmental, political, cultural, and social reasons, migration has been a putative practice across the globe since ancient times. Demographic pressures and the impact of climate change on vulnerable societies have further encouraged the people across the globe to opt for the course of migration.

In this respect, Residency by investment is a unique and opportune solution as it promotes multifold objectives. Benefits of Residency by Investment for investors: CANADA: COST OF LIVING. Canada continues to be one of the most popular places for migration.


However, the most common question we often get from clients is – How much will it cost to live in Canada? Relocating to a new country is a big decision. As an immigrant, how much you will earn vs. how much you will spend on living expenses is a very important consideration. Remember that Canada has a range of cities and regions in which you can live, depending on the lifestyle you are looking for, and the amount you are willing to spend on the basic costs of living. Before moving, it is a good idea to calculate how much this will cost you.

In the chart below, you will find the average cost of rent across a few cities in Canada. Most families will spend anywhere between 35% to 50% of their total income on living expenses. The average salary is what will keep you going when you move to a country like Canada. Another resource that Canadians can enjoy is the free public school system for children up to the age of 18. Focused On Your Future. After completing a master’s degree in law, specialising in real property development Preeya Malik has spent over ten years focusing on investment immigration.

Focused On Your Future

Too say she is one of the world’s leading specialists in investment immigration is maybe itself an understatement. As managing director of Step Global, a Dubai based immigration consultancy firm, Preeya champions her American Law license and Canadian background. With a team of globally licensed legal and immigration advisors, they help investors reach their goal of American citizenship via the route of U.S Green Cards obtained through investment. “Over more than 10 years, I’ve seen real families succeed in transforming their lives and futures via various investment immigration programmes,” Preeya states. “These are true avenues to migration and a secure future, and anyone looking for new opportunities would benefit from considering these affordable and accessible options.” COVID and the EB-5 Visa Program. Whilst the world recoils from the impact COVID-19 had on almost every aspect of our lives, it does continue to turn.

COVID and the EB-5 Visa Program

This means disruption to travel, trade, economies, and of course immigration. EB-5 Executive Order Exclusion. What to Expect When Emigrating to Canada. Emigrating has the potential to be the best step you have ever taken, but it can also be a daunting prospect.

What to Expect When Emigrating to Canada

A new country with different rules, customs and expectations might be hard to grasp. However, the rewards of life in a country with a free public school system, a tax-funded healthcare system, and a welcoming attitude to immigrants, like Canada, are more than enough to justify the move for many. If your attention has been captured by the opportunities that Canada has to offer, you might be beginning to wonder exactly what a life there could look like for you and your family. This article aims to provide a look at everyday life and opportunities both in the cities and further afield in Canada.

Employment This is an important factor for many and can be the difference between success and failure as an immigrant. Labour Welders, drivers and heavy-duty mechanics are all in-demand positions in Canada right now. Healthcare Business Canadian Healthcare Education Language Property and Ownership. What Does Biden Mean for Immigration. It’s a new year, and we’ve got a new president in the US.

What Does Biden Mean for Immigration

Shake-ups for immigration are inevitable, although it is highly likely these shake-ups will be favourable on anyone wanting to relocate to the US. With massive immigration reform promised, with many reversals of what were seen as oppressive bans and restrictions by the last administration, there’s a lot of work to do. The good news is, in Biden’s first days he announced the repeal of the so-called ‘Muslim ban’ and a reversal on the border wall with Mexico. The Effects of COVID-19 on US Immigration. As the pandemic continues to wreak havoc across the globe, the effects on immigration have been widespread and varied.

The Effects of COVID-19 on US Immigration

For the U.S., the disruption has trickled into almost every avenue of the immigration process closing centers, banning travel, and creating backlogs on top of existing backlogs. With court hearings suspended, USCIS and passport offices closing, or at least operating on skeleton staff, many have been left in limbo. For both family and employment visas, a near standstill has occurred in processing alone for several months in 2020. Many countries remain on a suspension list as per the Presidential Proclamations 9993 and 9996.Admission will be refused if a person has been physically present in the last 14 days in any of the following countries: – These bans do not include: – U.S. citizens.U.S citizens immediate family membersLegal permanent residents.Other individuals outlined in the proclamation.

When Do I Need an Immigration Lawyer? Immigration can become an extremely complex process.

When Do I Need an Immigration Lawyer?

Options for Entry - A Look at the US Investment Programmes. For those looking to immigrate to the US, you may find yourself overwhelmed by the choices and various routes by which you can obtain entry.

Options for Entry - A Look at the US Investment Programmes

There are visa programmes to cover different circumstances and choosing the correct option is paramount to your likelihood of a successful application. Global Business & Franchise Services - Immigration. Global Investment Immigration Specialists. Immigration Consultant Services Dubai Abu Dhabi.