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Human Rights

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IWGIA. DARA - Improving quality and impact of humanitarian aid for the vulnerable - 12345. Espace francophone des Droits de l’Homme, de la Démocratie et de la Paix - Commissions nationales des droits de l’Homme (AFCNDH) Women Organizing for Change in Agriculture & Natural Resource Management. UNIVERSAL HUMAN RIGHTS INDEX. Research Guides (General) Daily Humanitarian News Brief - U.S. Department of State. Global Clusters. Trafficking in human beings / Trafficking in human beings / Crime areas. Trafficking in human beings is a multi-billion-dollar form of international organized crime, constituting modern-day slavery.

Trafficking in human beings / Trafficking in human beings / Crime areas

Victims are recruited and trafficked between countries and regions using deception or coercion. They are stripped of their autonomy, freedom of movement and choice, and face various forms of physical and mental abuse. There are three main  types of human trafficking: Trafficking for forced labour; Trafficking for sexual exploitation; Trafficking of organs. Closely connected is the issue of  people smuggling in which smugglers procure, for financial or material gain, the illegal entry of an individual into a country of which he is neither a citizen nor a permanent resident. Trafficking in human beings is a crime under international law and many national and regional legal systems. We have collated a number of  resources covering general information, international legislation, and law enforcement guides and manuals. News. Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women. Strategic Direction GAATW's research and advocacy recognises that trafficking is embedded within gendered migration and labour contexts, and women's complex realities.

Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women

GAATW's diverse membership has stressed that anti-trafficking strategies must respond to local and regional socio-political contexts. As always our work will strive to centre the voices of affected groups and aim to be relevant to the lives of trafficked persons, migrating women workers, sex workers and other marginalised groups. Documentation. In accordance with the Human Rights Council’s “institution-building package”, the documents on which the reviews are based are: Information prepared by the State concerned, which can take the form of a national report, and any other information considered relevant by the State concerned, which could be presented either orally or in writing.


Information contained in the reports of treaty bodies, special procedures, including observations and comments by the State concerned, and other relevant official United Nations documents, compiled in a report prepared by the OHCHR. Information provided by “other relevant stakeholders” to the universal periodic review, which will be summarized by the OHCHR in a document. Stakeholders include, inter alia, NGOs, NHRIs, Human rights defenders, Academic institutions and Research institutes, Regional organizations, as well as civil society representatives. Human Rights Brief - Center for Human Rights and Humanitarian Law - Washington College of Law. HRI - IBAHRI calls for radical reform of Kenya’s justice system, in major report released today.

The International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI), in conjunction with the International Legal Assistance Consortium (ILAC), today issued a report entitled Restoring integrity: An assessment of the needs of the justice system in the Republic of Kenya.

HRI - IBAHRI calls for radical reform of Kenya’s justice system, in major report released today

The report documents a pressing need for judicial reform. Public confidence in the judicial system has virtually collapsed. A lack of independence in the judiciary, corruption, delays in court processes, and the costs associated with using the court system, have all served to perpetuate a widely held belief among ordinary Kenyans that formal justice is only available to an elite few. The report shows that radical reform of the relationship between Kenya’s executive and judiciary is needed.

‘Kenya’s progress in building a new Constitution is heartening,’ said Juan Mendez, IBAHRI Co-Chair. ENDS For further information please contact: Romana St. South Asia Forum for Human Rights (SAFHR) Country Reports on Human Rights Practices 2010. Global Crisis Solutions index. 2010 Macro Econ Report US UPR.pdf. Home. Global Rights: Welcome to Global Rights. Human-Rights Discussion Network - H-Net.

Danish Institute of Human Rights. The Human Rights Brief. Legal Aid - The Kyiv Declaration on the Right to Legal Aid. La plate-forme InForHumanum. __La plate-forme InForHumanum : recherche, information, formation et éducation Créée en 2006, est une d'organisations non gouvernementales engagées dans la , l , la et dans les domaines suivants : droits de l'homme, droit international humanitaire et paix. Cette regroupe : Association Internet pour les Droits de l'Homme (AIDH) Centre Europe - Tiers Monde (CETIM) Collège universitaire Henry Dunant / Université d'été des Droits de l'Homme (cuHD/ueDH) Institut International de Recherche pour la Paix (GIPRI) Système d'information et de documentation (HURIDOCS) Institut International de Droit Humanitaire (IIHL) International Geneva Yearbook (IGY) Service International pour les Droits de l'Homme (SIDH) .

{*style:<b> Préambule Il existe à une offre riche et diversifiée de formation, d'information et de recherche dans les domaines des droits de l'homme, du droit international humanitaire et de la paix, émanant des ONG. 1. 3. 4. 5. 6. . , la plate-forme met en place les activités suivantes : 1. A Web Resource for Combating Human Trafficking in the East Asia Pacific Region. CHRGJ at NYU Law: Center for Human Rights and Global Justice at New York University School of Law. Info Droits de l'Homme 1.