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Stella green

I am Stella Green, Digital Marketing Manager at WordPress Migration Help based in USA. At WordPress Migration Help we create amazing WordPress Websites or we help to convert websites made on other platforms to WordPress. Contact us: 8886061808 Or Visit us at:

How to start a blog with WordPress in 5 easy steps? Want to start the WordPress Blog the right way?

How to start a blog with WordPress in 5 easy steps?

We know starting a blog can be a scary and complex idea, especially when you are not a technology geek. Guess what, you are not alone here. Being a trusted WordPress web development company in India and USA, we decided to create the most comprehensive guide on how to start a feature-packed WordPress blog without any technical expertise. Table of contents of this blog: Here is a list of different steps, so if you have already completed step (yes), you can proceed directly to the step you are currently and if you are operating on the guide, you can always review the current step. Error 1111. Fix WP Plugin Installation Issues.

Get immediate assistance for WP export plugin error Most WordPress installs allow XML files upto 7 MB, but the process might feel when you try to import or export files sized at 2MB.

Fix WP Plugin Installation Issues

If you are facing WP export plugin error, here is a quick guide to how to fix it. Export XML data You must have already done this, but if not, go to your old WP site. In the admin area, go to Tools > Export and click the “Download Export File” button. Enquire Now Divide the file into chunks Here comes the hard part.

Format the chunks properly Here is where the working knowledge of markups comes into play. Now, repeat the Tools > Import > WordPress Import process, but this time, import smaller files that will not take much time to parse. Problems with this method Although this solution is likely to solve most of your WP export plugin error issues, it is not perfect. It is slow and cumbersome: You would have to go through a file with 1,00,000 lines and break it into smaller chunks of 5,000 lines each. Conclusion. Why do you need PSD to WordPress migration service 14 march.

WordPress Custom Theme Development. Your website defines you, talks a little bit about your business approach, what you offer and how you intend to serve your audience.

WordPress Custom Theme Development

Again, since you aren’t the first body coming in touch with your visitors, your website has to do it all. And the best way to ensure that it does its job well is to sincerely work on the way it looks and feels to the reader.If you haven’t yet thought about the importance of having a beautiful, relevant, and most important, unique theme for your website, now is the time. Get started right away because you wouldn’t want anything to go wrong with your website, your face in the market.

Causes of slow wordpress website. WordPress vs Joomla: Choose the best CMS online for your Website. When it comes to content management systems the first thing that comes to the mind is WordPress.

WordPress vs Joomla: Choose the best CMS online for your Website

But there are other CMS that one can use. One such example is Joomla. Wondering which one you must choose for your website? Then let us compare both these systems to get an idea about the same. Call WordPress experts to fix WordPress Errors and Issues. PSD to WordPress Conversion Services. So you finally decided to host your website on WordPress platform?

PSD to WordPress Conversion Services

Congratulations! That indeed is one of the wisest decisions in the healthy interest of your business. And you’re just a few steps away from getting started too. First things first. WordPress Custom Theme Development. WordPress Development Services India. The reason you’re here on this page is because you initially created your website on Joomla platform only to discover later that WordPress is much better.

WordPress Development Services India

And now perhaps you feel stuck somewhere, figuring a way out of it. Well, we’ve got you totally covered with our expert services for Joomla to WordPress migration. Although Joomla has earned a name for itself in the market of Content Management Systems (CMS), WordPress is undoubtedly the leading player here. And here are some of the reasons to further prove why a switch might be in the waiting.

Quicker setup, easy deploymentFaster load time, reduces unnecessary delaysIntuitive user interface; great for beginnersIn-built theme customisation optionsHigher stability than Joomla modulesExcellent ecommerce platform too. Joomla to WordPress Migration. Joomla to WordPress Migration. Joomla to WordPress Migration. WordPress Development Agency India. It’s easier to sell on ecommerce platforms these days rather than through traditional retail stores.

WordPress Development Agency India

The reason is quite obvious. Most people prefer to shop from home now on their smartphones or PCs. It’s convenient and cheaper too. This is why major retailers choose to have their online stores on some leading ecommerce platforms like Shopify or WooCommerce, a popular ecommerce plugin of WordPress. However, the question arises, today when tough competition over selling on ecommerce portals is a glaring reality, which host provider should you be on? This is exactly why a number of entrepreneurs prefer to make the switch from Shopify to WooCommerce. Enquire Now For the simple reason that WooCommerce is a WordPress-powered plugin makes all the difference in the market. WordPress Development Services. Best WordPress Plugins for SEO Purpose : Best WordPress Plugins for SEO Purpose. Search engines play an important role during this digital era.

Best WordPress Plugins for SEO Purpose : Best WordPress Plugins for SEO Purpose

If your website isn't visible in search engines, it won’t attract any traffic or leads. Search engine optimization is known as the important sources of web traffic that’s why numerous WordPress users ask about SEO plugins which may help in improving the SEO of their WordPress website. Although there are thousands of WordPress plugins and themes available to settle on from, choosing the simplest one will help your website to succeed in subsequent level. During this blog post, we'll discuss a number of the simplest WordPress plugins which may turn your website into an SEO powerhouse.

WordPress Plugins for Wordpress Website.