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Ilmastonmuutos uhat ja mahdollisuudet jounikeronen. LiikU työyhteisössä joulukuu 2015 - Lounais-Suomen Liikunta ja Urheilu ry. ”Näille pitää tehdä jotain!”

LiikU työyhteisössä joulukuu 2015 - Lounais-Suomen Liikunta ja Urheilu ry

Noilla sanoilla kunnanjohtaja kommentoi työntekijöiden sairauspoissaolojen määrää henkilöstötilinpäätöskokouksessa keväällä 2014, muistan vielä hänen vakuuttavan ilmeensäkin, kertoo Eurajoen kunnan hyvinvointikoordinaattori Elina Rautanen. Learning Brief 2 - Generating multiple benefits from Ecosystem-based Adaptation in Mountain Ecosystems. Learning Brief 1 - Introduction to Ecosystem-based Adaptation: A nature-based response to climate change. POLIMP - Briefing Notes. World Climate. Climate Change Negotiations Game The World Climate Simulation is a role playing exercise of the UN climate change negotiations for groups.

World Climate

It is unique in that it uses an interactive computer model to rapidly analyze the results of the mock-negotiations during the event. Climate Change, SBC. New FactBook summarizes the scientific basis of climate change (5.27MB PDF) Compiled by a team from SBC Energy Institute, a non-profit energy research group created by Schlumberger Business Consulting in 2011, the new Climate Change FactBook collates peer-reviewed content covering the scientific facts regarding climate change as they are commonly reported at present.

Climate Change, SBC

This document aims to make accessible to a wide audience the key scientific aspects of climate change, in preparation for the COP 21 meeting, which will be held in Paris, in December 2015. Key scientific facts covered by this FactBook include: The core scientific concepts relating to climate change and global warming; The evidence for past and recent changes in the Earth’s climate; The attribution of observed changes; The projections made by the most recent climate models; and Their potential consequences for ecosystems and society. Shaping a fairer future. Fatim Dolo moved here to join her husband.

Shaping a fairer future

They have a garden plot (0.1 ha) and grow okra and potato leaves. They sell the leaves at the market for 4,000 to 5,000 CFA. With better advice they could probably double their production A farmer on his motorbike on the bank between irrigated fields. IIED Annual Report 2014/15. Luontotilin idea. Globe Finland. Globe Finland. Environmental Performance Index. Uk.businessinsider. OpenEcoMaps. OpenEcoMaps provides free eco-living maps and data from OpenStreetMap.


But why? There are lots of community groups, councils and companies out there mapping allotments, renewable energy generators, cycle routes and more. But they all suffer from two shortcomings: Silos and duplication - by putting their work into different places, different maps, we're storing all of our information in disconnected silos, duplicating effort and not benefiting from each other's work. On Sustainability. Julkaisut. Mother Pelican ~ A Journal of Solidarity and Sustainability. Introduction Since its inception as “a fusion of biological and social sciences in the early twentieth century,” (Dyball, 2010, p. 273) human ecology has been variously described as (a) multidisciplinary—in that it draws upon the insights of different disciplines—; (b) interdisciplinary—in that it integrates the insights of other disciplines into a whole greater than the sum of its parts—; and (c) transdisciplinary—beyond all disciplines and therefore adisciplinary, hence not really a discipline at all.

Mother Pelican ~ A Journal of Solidarity and Sustainability

But what does it mean to characterize human ecology in these successively more radical terms? They are, I believe, inchoate attempts to articulate the following thesis: Human ecology must be done, in certain phases of its practice, as philosophy and indeed is crucially reliant on strictly philosophical reflection. Inevitably, then, much of this paper will work in the language of philosophy, with which many readers of Human Ecology Review will not be familiar. Conclusion References. Mother Pelican ~ A Journal of Solidarity and Sustainability. This article presents the results of the SSI-2014.

Mother Pelican ~ A Journal of Solidarity and Sustainability

It comprises four chapters: 1) A short description of the Sustainable Society index, SSI. 2) The results for the world in 2014 (though most data are of 2012), per indicator, per wellbeing dimension, per region and per income class. 3) Progress over time since the first edition of the SSI in 2006, again per indicator, per wellbeing dimension, per region and per income class.

EcoAP Newsletter - Eco-innovation Action Plan. 17th European Forum on Eco-innovation: Transforming jobs and skills for a resource efficient, inclusive and circular economy Over the last decade 3 to 4.2 million jobs were created in European eco-industries.

EcoAP Newsletter - Eco-innovation Action Plan

Recent studies at national level and for different sectors indicate a positive trend in employment generation coming from the transition to a resource efficient circular economy. Green business case studies across a wide range of sectors were presented, explored and discussed in Lyon. They provided the evidence that there is a labour market shortage of employees with green skills. Skilled engineers to optimise the environmental performance of buildings or the environmental impact of mining are for example in great demand. EcoAP Newsletter - Eco-innovation Action Plan. Mud Jeans, based in Rhenen, near Arnhem, provides a “Lease A Jeans” service through which customers can rent high-quality garments for a €20 deposit plus €5.95 per month.

EcoAP Newsletter - Eco-innovation Action Plan

The lease agreement lasts for one year, after which the customer can keep the jeans, exchange them for another pair, or return them to the company for reuse and recycling. During the lease period, the company provides an ongoing repair service. France - Eco-innovation Action Plan. Solar-powered electric mobility A French company is potentially making the roll-out of electric mobility in European cities easier by offering a suite of “SunPods”, or vehicle recharging points powered by solar energy.

France - Eco-innovation Action Plan

In doing so, the company, Nice-based ADVANSOLAR, is building on recent developments that have been seen especially in the United States, where the installation of carports or parking canopies featuring solar panels has grown rapidly: installed capacity of solar panels on carports in the US exceeded 100 megawatts each year from 2011 to 2013, equivalent to enough power for about 20,000 homes. Read more France. Denmark - Eco-innovation Action Plan. The Graduate Institute, Geneva. Maailma muuttuu. Pysyykö Suomi kärryillä?

Maailman suuria yhteiskunnallisia muutoksia hahmottelevan Sitran trendilistan tämänvuotinen artikkelisarja on tullut päätökseensä. Viimeinen artikkeli, joka käsittelee keskinäisriippuvuuden lisääntymistä, julkaistiin aiemmin tällä viikolla. Hs. EU hyväksyi hiljattain uusia muuntogeenisiä tuotteita markkinoilleen, mutta hevin ne eivät tänne pääse. Comic_en. Towards a Green Economy - Pathways to Sustainable Development and Poverty Eradication. Nearly 20 years after the Earth Summit, nations are again on the Road to Rio, but in a world very different and very changed from that of 1992. Over the last two years, the concept of a “green economy” has moved into the mainstream of policy discourse. Heads of state and finance ministers increasing speak about the green economy; it is referred to in the text of G20 communiqués and discussed in the context of sustainable development and eradicating poverty (United Nations General Assembly 2010).

PDF | E-books This recent interest in a green economy has been intensified by widespread disillusionment with our prevailing economic paradigm, emanating from the many concurrent and recent crises – particularly the recession of 2008-2009. At the same time, increasing evidence is pointing to an alternative paradigm, in which increased wealth does not lead to growing environmental risks, ecological scarcities and social disparities.

More resources are available at. TURAS - Urban Resilience and Sustainability. Nordic Way. High praise for researchers' book bringing clarity to climate change. Sarah Burch, an assistant professor in GEM, has co-authored a new book bringing clarity and scope to our climate change conversation. Given that most discussions of climate change tend to be laden with dense scientific data, entrenched values, and various political dilemmas, is it any wonder that so many people find it hard to engage with this pressing issue? The book, Understanding Climate Change offers a concise, accessible, and holistic picture of the climate change problem, including both the natural and human dimensions. Väitöskirja: Aloittelijasta mestariksi – Pyöräilyn kasvuun vaikuttavat toimenpiteet eurooppalaisissa kaupungeissa.

From rock to paper   - Eco-innovation Action Plan. Companies involved in the production of paper from stone claim that it offers significant environmental benefits. Parax Stone Paper, a British manufacturer of the paper, says that, in addition to no trees being chopped down, no water, bleach or acid is used in the production of stone paper, and that the manufacturing process is half as energy- and emissions-intensive as traditional paper-making. Compared to making paper from wood pulp, the stone paper process also consumes less water, and produces less effluent. The raw material for the paper - calcium carbonate (chalk) - is recycled mining waste, which in principle can be recycled into more stone paper at the end of the product's life. For its stone paper product, Parax won a 2013 Green Apple Award as a UK Green Champion in the Paper and Packaging category.

The Green Apple Awards are given out by The Green Organisation, a non-profit group, and the scheme is one of the United Kingdom's main awards for environmental good practice. Why Go Wild. 37120:2014 - Sustainable development of communities. ISO 37120:2014 defines and establishes methodologies for a set of indicators to steer and measure the performance of city services and quality of life. It follows the principles set out and can be used in conjunction with ISO 37101:? , Sustainable development in communities ? Management systems ? CC:iNet - Home. “Youth in action on climate change: inspirations from around the world” now also available in Arabic and Russian Today we are launching the latest flagship publication by the United Nations Joint Framework Initiative on Children, Youth and Climate Change in Arabic and Russian.

Download it in one of the six official UN languages here or pick up a copy at the UNFCCC Climate Change Publications Counter, if you are attending the UN Climate Change Conference in Bonn, Germany from 4 to 15 June. The publication was prepared with the generous financial support from the European Union and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency.

Posted on 3 June 2014. Your Brain Can Ruin Your Chances for Success. The statistics for startup success can be grim. Approximately 75 percent of all startups fail, and about 90 percent of all products fail. Yet every day, new entrepreneurs dream up products and services and jump into the startup fray. How To Motivate People - 4 Steps Backed By Science. Employees, spouses, kids — what does it take to get people motivated so you don’t have to nag them? Why business owners should think like game designers. “So, how do we motivate people to do great work?” It’s a darn important question. How to Make Yourself Work When You Just Don’t Want To - Heidi Grant Halvorson. Infographic: See The Daily Routines Of The World's Most Famous Creative People. We tend to imagine writers, painters, and composers burning the midnight oil, skipping meals, and working feverishly when true inspiration strikes.

In fact, Tchaikovsky and Charles Dickens got plenty of Zs each night. Infographic: See The Daily Routines Of The World's Most Famous Creative People. Kestävän kehityksen koulutusta voidaan edistää laadunvarmistustyökalujen avulla (Väitös: FM Tove Holm, 6.6.2014, ympäristötiede) Motivation strategy & design. How To Motivate People - 4 Steps Backed By Science. Your Brain Can Ruin Your Chances for Success. Brainy Discoveries: Four Fascinating Facts about Your Brain. CCF Research Brief: Really? Work lowers people’s stress levels. The Busy Person’s Guide to Reducing Stress. Teolliset Symbioosit. N trendilista 2013-2014 valmistui. Journal of Management and Sustainability. The 2030 EU Climate and Energy Package: why and how? Ruokahävikki Suomessa. Tekes: Tutustu Huippuostajan työkirjaan - Motivan hankintapalvelu. Kymmenen selitystä ilmastonmuutoskeskustelun puuroutumiselle. Europe - Big Facts. Urban Form and Sustainability: the Planner’s Toolbox - Nordregio.

New Technologies, New Tools for Sustainable Planning - Nordregio. Ajankohtaista. Cities get smart with eco-indicators - Eco-innovation Action Plan. Homepage - One Planet Challenge. Engineers leading the way on climate change. Ideas Roadshow: Saving the World at Business School. 1383. Interview with Mikkel B. Rasmussen / ReD Associates on applying human sciences to business. Tekes. Helsingin kaupunki hyödyntää Idealingon malleja. Liideri: Projektit. Arvoa_palvelutuotannon_mittareista.pdf. The Change Laboratory - A Tool for Collaborative Development of Work and Education - SensePublishers. Tekes. Tekes. Ideas Roadshow: Saving the World at Business School. Climate Asia - Tools and Materials. Climate Asia - Home. ALP_PSP_Brief.pdf. KOSTEUSLASKURI. WeADAPT 4.0.