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RegexKit Framework. Cocos2d for iPhone. Cocos2d games. Start - cocos2d for iPhone. Download | cocos2d for iPhone. Here you can find links to the latest version of Cocos2D as well as older versions. If you are starting a new project, it’s highly recommended that you go with the latest stable version. Latest Release Cocos2D installer 3.0.0Cocos2D zip archive 3.0.0SpriteBuilder (Mac App Store) Older Versions Cocos2D zip archive 2.1.0Cocos2D zip archive 1.1.0Cocso2D zip archive 1.0.1 Source Code The Cocos2D source code is available from GitHub.

About Our Versioning Since version 3, Cocos2D uses semantic versioning. We can only guarantee backwards compatibility as long as no private APIs or hidden classes are used.