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Google Image Result for. Cozy Country Patchwork Dog Pillow - Swankpets. Swank Pets was started in early 2005, when clients of Chic Yorkies needed specialized clothing for their new companions.

Cozy Country Patchwork Dog Pillow - Swankpets

Not only were these new owners looking for High Fashion but they were accustomed to luxury goods. Customers wanted nothing but the best for their Yorkie baby and were willing to pay top dollar to get it. After listening to their needs and requests, Swank Pets began working with many talented artists and designers to fulfill these wishes by utilizing the finest materials and craftsmanship. Expect only the best, as we cater to the fashion conscious with impeccable taste! We design one of a kind items, such as our Couture Collars made from exotic leathers that are studded with authentic Swarovski Crystals, and hand painted beds made from dresser drawers. If you don't find what you're looking for in our online catalog, feel free to contact us for special orders and creations. Strapping Young Lab. As promised I have finished up one doggie-inspired project and I am offering it here for you to try.

Strapping Young Lab

It is really simple, pretty quick and I've got a few photos to walk you through it. Then after you're finished you can walk your dog with it. Materials:*one six foot length of cotton canvas strapping-whatever width you desire, but at least one inch*3 cut strips of fabrics, equal in length and width to your strapping*one of those metal thingermaginggins that latches to the collar, readily available at your hardware store*heavy duty sewing machine needles Step one: Stitch one strip of the fabric to the strapping-very close to the edges on each side.

You'll want to cover this stitching with the edging later. Step two: On the remaining 2 strips of fabric, fold the edges in and press so that the edges meet in the middle. Step three: Fold in lengthwise once more down the center and press so that raw edges are tucked away. Scrappy Dog Bed Tutorial « Urban Crunch.

I promised a tutorial for my scrappy dog bed months ago and I know a bunch of you have been landing on my blog searching for just that.

Scrappy Dog Bed Tutorial « Urban Crunch

It’s here, finally!! Here’s what you need for a large size dog bed: A bag full of your small scraps50″ x 60″ fleece blanket, this was less expensive for me than purchasing fleece yardage. (If your doggy sheds like mine, choose a color similar to her fur color!) Heavyweight iron-on interfacingMuslin or other inexpensive fabric for the lining.

Step 1: Cut your interfacing into 3.5″ strips. The size and amount of scraps you use will determine how many strips you will need. Step 2: Cut your scraps. Pull out any scraps that are at least 1″ x 3.5″. You will want to cut a variety of widths for a scrappier look. Use all of your weirdly shaped scraps. Cut to 3.5 inches (height) Happiness Times-wahouse和風家部落格-網誌. 剛讀完「鴨川荷爾摩」,寫了閱讀筆記後,有網友留言告訴我:「若你已看完 "鴨川荷爾摩" 建議你一定要再看"荷爾摩六景",那是續篇,共6個小段非常非常有趣且感人,其中有篇看到都哭了...」。

Happiness Times-wahouse和風家部落格-網誌

接連讀了幾本萬城目學的作品,確實瞭解到他的文筆真的是「非常非常有趣且感人」,便接受推薦,前些天找來這本續篇做了延伸閱讀,果然是讓我拍案叫絕的興奮了好幾天。 以寫作順序來說,這本「六景」的確是在「鴨川荷爾摩」之後寫成的,但以我實際閱讀後的感覺而言,與其說是續集,我倒寧可說他是,同一個小說故事的側寫。 也就是說,在「鴨川荷爾摩」故事進行的同時,與小說敘述的主軸在同一時間平行發展的、發生在這些參與荷爾摩作戰的年輕人身上的其他關於愛情與友情的故事,萬城目學換個主角與視覺角度書寫出來。 同時,再以荷爾摩大戰為主軸,貫穿古今,也寫出了不同時代的人的荷爾摩故事。 畢竟他說過的,這比賽已經進行了五百屆,等於一千年,是該有歷史故事可說、有歷史人物可以登場的。 故事寫的真的好看,麻煩的是我不知道該怎麼寫心得。 首先一定一定要先說的,是建議所有已經看過「鴨川荷爾摩」的人,一定要閱讀這一本「荷爾摩六景」,而且最好是趁著對前一本書的內容記憶猶新時,打鐵趁熱的緊接著看,因為後者有不少故事情節跟前一本有關,相隔太久會記憶模糊,趣味會降低不少。 舉簡單幾個例子來說。 又,為什麼阿凡頭楠木會「怕晚上」,打工只做到八點就一定要閃人,全是因為前一本書上提到的,她看得到夜色中無數全黑的小鬼彼此廝殺、聽得到淒厲一整夜的慘叫聲。 How To - Japanese Crafting. Japanese craft books. Well, I did it.

Japanese craft books

I survived another long school summer holiday. My ears and my nerves are battered and shattered but I survived. Just. Anybody else find being a parent hard sometimes ? Good, I thought so. Did you feel it ? Anyway, at last I can feel my crafting mojo returning, I sat in the garden yesterday and sewed a little sewing, "doggie bags" tutorial. First i'm going to say that these are not intended to be used for heavy items (like a watermelon) just lighter weight stuff (cereal boxes, produce, fabric :) etc), that's why i did the handles the way they are done and why they are 'skinny'. i have nice fabric ones for the heavy stuff. read thru all the directions before starting.... click on a photo to see a bigger pic. you're gonna need a dog food bag.

"doggie bags" tutorial

(on a 'research' trip, i noticed that cat food, cat litter, bird seed, and dog food come in the appropriate type of bags). for this tutorial's pictures, i am using a Pedigree 40lb bag. i got two out of this size bag. the green one from the original post (purina dog chow) was a 20lb bag. also, there is no right or wrong math in's very, what's a good word, improvisational. this is about as simple of a tote bag pattern as they come.