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PERMACULTURE / Production intensive en espace restreint / 1ère partie : la butte ! ENTRE MAITRE ET DISCIPLES - Reine-Claire Lussier: Prana For a Busy Lifestyle. ENTRE MAITRE ET DISCIPLES - Reine-Claire Lussier: Prana For a Busy Lifestyle. 10 Vegetables & Herbs You Can Eat Once and Regrow Forever. 10 Vegetables & Herbs You Can Eat Once & Regrow Forever There are some ingredients I cook with so often I can never buy too many of them, and most of them are produce. Onions, garlic and fresh herbs are staples in a lot of dishes, and they may be inexpensive, but when you use them on a daily basis it can add up. Some foods are easy to regrow at home from leftover scraps, and some of them can even be grown right on your kitchen counter.

Here are 10 vegetables and herbs you can buy once and regrow forever. #1. Garlic When garlic starts to sprout, the little green shoots are too bitter to cook with. Image via Unknown Learn more on Simple Daily Recipes. #2. The ends of carrots you usually chop off and throw away will grow carrot greens if you put them in a dish with a little water. Image via Fidgety Fingers Read more details on how to use and grow them on Fidgety Fingers. #3. Put a few basil clippings with 4-inch stems in a glass of water and place it in a spot with direct sunlight. . #4. . #5. . #6. Off Grid Info - Food Independence - Where To Get Heirloom Seeds - Non-GMO Seeds - Organic Seeds. Join 75,000+ Fans on Facebook: Follow Us On Pinterest: Please Share This Page: Here is a useful list of 40+ 230+ companies supplying heirloom / non-GMO / organic seeds.

If health is wealth, then this page is solid gold! :) Please share this important information. If you have any additions or corrections for this list, please let us know! We welcome genuine suppliers based anywhere in the world. **UPDATE** This page has proven to be massively popular...! , we are gathering them up and will add them to this page as soon as we can. Please Like Off-Grid On Facebook to stay in touch and receive our latest posts! USA (states in alphabetical order) EUROPE (except UK & Ireland) South Africa All inquiries - please contact: Privacy Policy | About. Germination Luzerne. Comment faire ses germinations et ses pousses. Pour renforcer le système immunitaire, augmenter la vitalité et perdre du poids, faire sa propre germination, c’est super simple. Voici donc la technique de base, à la portée de tout le monde (jeunes et encore jeunes) pour réussir à faire germer luzerne et compagnie.

Germination en pot Matériel requis : Un grand pot à large ouvertureUn morceau de moustiquaire ou de tissu mousseline (ne pas utiliser du moustiquaire pour les fenêtres car il contient des métaux lourds pour le protéger des rayons UV)Un endroit à la lumière indirecteDe l’eau tiède, de l’air et… des graines ! Méthode : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Fournisseurs de germoirs Je vous ai expliqué comment procéder avec un pot qu’on a sous la main.

Également, on peut faire notre germination de façon entièrement automatique avec le nouveau germoir Easygreen disponible chez Alimentation vivante Jalinis. Les pousses C’est archi-simple de les cultiver sur terreau ou de façon hydroponique. Avantages des pousses 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Vivre Cru.


Le chou brave | Le mag' de l'alimentation vivante et de l'abondance - Magazine of raw food and abundanceLe chou brave | Le mag' de l'alimentation vivante et de l'abondance – Magazine of raw food and abundance.