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Letting agent software. Tech start up. How To Write A Business Plan. Business Model Canvas. The Startup Toolkit Blog - Tools and guidance for confused founders. In my first company, I tried to act extroverted, because I thought that’s what good leaders did.

The Startup Toolkit Blog - Tools and guidance for confused founders

It was exhausting and counter-productive. I’ve found a more comfortable way of working and wanted to share a few thoughts and resources that have been helpful to me. The back-thumping, rapport-building, steak-and-strippers salesman is just one of several styles, and it’s not even the most effective. In fact, it tends to be actively harmful if you’re developing long-term relationships (like in large sales, long-term partnerships, and fund-raising). Plan Cruncher. 3 Free Tools to Plan and Visualise Your Start-Up Business. Advertisement If you’ve decided to take the plunge, abandoning the 9-to-5 rat race to launch out on your own, the first step to getting your start-up off the ground is to create a business model.

3 Free Tools to Plan and Visualise Your Start-Up Business

This can be a very daunting task, and rather than start with a completely blank canvas, there are several free online tools which can help guide you through the initial steps. Whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur or new to the world of business, these tools will come in handy.