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Facebook Twitter An Herb Garden of Knowledge. TGR. Marijuana Radio. SoYouWanna. Before you can intelligently debate the pros and cons of legalizing pot, you'll need to know a little background on the bud. In the 1960s, if you knew whether or not someone had ever smoked marijuana, you could make a pretty intelligent guess about his or her political views. These days, marijuana isn't quite as potent a symbol of the cultural divide; still, for a big green bush, marijuana remains mighty controversial. Much of the recent controversy has surrounded laws passed in 1996 by voters in California and Arizona legalizing marijuana for certain medical conditions. But if you go back only a hundred years, and look at the public's attitude toward the weed back then, the smoke clears. For the several thousand years humans have been acquainted with marijuana, they have considered it one of the hardiest and most versatile plants around. 1. Learn some background on the issue In colonial America, "hemp" was a major agricultural crop; both Washington and Jefferson raised it.

MM. NORML Daily Audio Stash. WomanTribune. After all the victories we’ve seen in the realm of marijuana law reform and the recent election, it is now time to act! According to the NORML blog , “The election of Barack Obama, coupled with Democrat control of both the House and the Senate, presents a unique and critical opportunity for federal marijuana law reform.” A vast majority of you voted to change the laws regarding marijuana arrests; now is the time to make sure your vote doesn’t go unnoticed. Obama’s transition team has established a website recently with an agenda of things to be addressed once Obama is in office. Looking at the current list, I was upset to see that Marijuana Law Reform is not even mentioned. That means it’s up to us to get Marijuana Law Reform on the list! 1. 2. 3. As if this hasn’t been said enough – This is the time for change! Enjoy This Article? Related Posts: None yet, check back soon! Hot Stories From Around the Web Ally is a pagan web developer, writer and blogger from Orange County, NY.

420 Magazine. Skunk. HighTimes.