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The Naked Truth: Inside Allure. The Hairpin - Ladies First. The Smoking Jacket. The Gloss. Celebrity Bust Out. Shock Absorber. Best of craigslist : Stripper Rant. 1) Hey you over there, holding that one dollar bill in your hand with a death grip and waving it around at me like it's the fucking deed to Trump Towers... what the fuck do you want me to do, grow another pussy?!? It's a fuckin' dollar, put it down on the tiprail and blow my world away already. 2) You losers that come into the club for a lapdance with NO underwear or boxers and thin-ass, nylon shorts, so we slip and slide on your hard-on (which always feel like a sharpie pen ~ fine point)...fuck you. 3) You with the thick-ass jeans, this was an impromptu visit, eh?

4) Don't pull my thong up during a dance and ask me if it felt good. 5) Hey you, Loser, the one counting out the 20 bucks in one dollar increments, rubbing your fingers between each one to make sure you are giving me just that one dollar. 6) No I will not just let you "slip it in real quick" for $50 more bucks. 7) Yeah, my tits are real. 9) Stop asking me out. 11) Stop bitching at me about the goddamn two drink minimum.