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Crap Dates in 140 Characters. Dating Fails - Missed Connections, Dating Sites, & Breakups. Please Dump Me: Talk If You Can't Walk. OkTrends. 4 Effective Tips To Ask a Girl Out On Facebook. That’s right, Facebook.

4 Effective Tips To Ask a Girl Out On Facebook

We’re on it every day anyway. Social networking has changed the way we do everything, so why wouldn’t it change how we pursue the opposite sex? Advertising for Love. ClueChick: real clues from a real chick. Why My Ex Sucks - Attention Whore, Fershure. Why My Ex Sucks - Literal Baggage. Disgusting People I Have Made Out With. An international contribution from the country of France: I was on holiday with my family and friends to France.

Disgusting People I Have Made Out With

I was 14, which coincidently meant I was naive and violently suffering from the underage horn (despite my inexperience). Also, I was completely brainwashed by the concept of a “Holiday Romance” urghh.. Anyway, the story begins at the campsite’s weekly shitty disco for teenagers, (which surprisingly turned out to be the whole town’s weekly shitty disco for teenagers… zzzzz). 33 Ways to Tell She’s Definitely Interested In You. Why Women Hate Men - The Blog. Psychotic Letters From Men. "What Happened to All the Nice Guys?" I see this question posted with some regularity in the personals section, so I thought I'd take a minute to explain things to the ladies out there that haven't figured it out.

"What Happened to All the Nice Guys?"

What happened to all the nice guys? The answer is simple: you did. See, if you think back, really hard, you might vaguely remember a Platonic guy pal who always seemed to want to spend time with you. Need advice on breaking up. I need a way to say the following items but in a way that she will understand: 1.

Need advice on breaking up

Your intelligence is on par with the domestic ass. 2. Wear clothes that fit you. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Women aren't attracted to men. Women are not actually attracted to men.

Women aren't attracted to men.

There is a vague idea of what a man is physically, and some are better than others aesthetically speaking, but the purely physical appearance of a man is almost inconsequential unless he is horribly ugly or outrageously attractive. Women are attracted to status, money, how much a man smiles and laughs, how many friends and resources a man has, how full a man's life is--how many "cool," "exciting" and prestigious things he is doing or connected to.

DICTIONARY FOR DECODING WOMEN'S PERSONAL ADS: Originally Posted: 2007-10-05 6:18am Ø 40-ish..................................49.


Ø Adventurous..........................Slept with everyone. Ø Athletic................................No breasts. Ø Average looking.....................Moooo. Ø Beautiful..............................Pathological liar. Why We Stop Calling You- the Truth, For the LADIES. I am female- I have been dumped for not giving it up "soon enough" and for giving it up "too soon".

Why We Stop Calling You- the Truth, For the LADIES

Somehow, the blame for the dissolution of the dating relationship always landed in my lap (no pun intended). It got so bad that I became super neurotic and paranoid, to the point where I was trying to pin point the exact second I could be intimate with a guy in any way and whatever resulted from that (him dumping me?) Wouldn't be ALL my fault. I was actually frightened to have sex!! My best advice for Ladies is just to do what you feel, any MATURE man that is really into you, wouldn't run away suddenly because you have fucked!

Ladies, The fact is, this type of "man" just has Relationship A.D.D. because they simply get bored too easily and tend to be SELFISH (incapable of thinking about anyone's wants/feelings but their own)- this is the type of man who would get bored with Halle Berry if given enough time. 1. Hot Chicks With Douchebags. I love my girlfriend, but I don't want to go south of the border. My girlfriend is having second thoughts about what she wants out of life.

I love my girlfriend, but I don't want to go south of the border

This could lead to a change and possible end our relationship. I'm scared. I'm 29 and she's 25. She just graduated from college last May, and is now attending further classes so she can get into a nursing masters program. The city she currently lives in bores her, and she's feeling like she needs to move on (her words). 143 Reasons That I Will Be The Best Girlfriend You've Ever Had. I'm reposting this because I got some really awesome responses.

143 Reasons That I Will Be The Best Girlfriend You've Ever Had

(I added some!) Please note: this is an ad for a people who are looking for a possible girlfriend, if that is the farthest thing from your mind please head to the next post or the NSA section! <3 1. Interpersonal Relationship Advice and Assistance Center - Love and dating advice, platonic relationships, and more. Smart Guys Date in Parallel. There are few people in my life I admire more than my father.

Smart Guys Date in Parallel

My father is the one who taught me how to swim, showed me my first BASIC programming, painstakingly explained algebra to me in fifth grade when I got annoyed at the confusing methods our my math teacher was teaching us, and demonstrated to me the value of problem-solving in high-anxiety situations when I was four by locking me in the child restraint seat and leaving me in the garage. Best of craigslist : Why You&#039;re Not Getting Any (And How to Fix it) Dear Roommate, You went out tonight and had yet another dismal failure.

The best thing that can be said about this date is that at least it was mercifully short, so thankfully she didn't have to put up with you for too long. It's not that you're a bad dude. You're funny, smart, caring, and (to my male heterosexual eye) not that bad looking of a dude. The problem, roommate, is that you're just a fucking idiot when it comes to dating. Why Geeks and Nerds Are Worth It... In the wide world of dating, there are many options. Do you go for the flashy guy with the smooth smile, or the dude in the corner typing away on his laptop? The following are reasons why I think my fellow females should pay more attention to the quiet geeks and nerds, and less attention to the flashy boys. 1.) While geeks and nerds may be awkward, they’re well-meaning 9 out of 10 times.

That smooth dude with the sly grin and the spider hands? 2.)