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Six 'E' Words Essential to Student Success - Learning Forward's PD Watch. Your Lesson's First Five Minutes: Make Them Grand. If you have ever lived with another person and come home to find them in a bad mood, how long did it take you to figure it out? Hours? Minutes? Seconds? Most people say "seconds," and some can tell before they even enter the same room. That's how children feel when they enter your classroom. They can tell within a minute or so whether they will like it or not.

Once that attitude is formed, it takes a lot to change it. 1. Find either something you love to teach or some way you love teaching it if the topic doesn’t excite you. 2. I learned about teasers by watching the news on television. Teasers work the same way in the classroom. Which of the following math and English class beginnings would motivate you more? Today we are going to learn about functions. Or: Today we are going to start a unit on Shakespeare. Teasers have two requirements to work effectively. 3. Have you ever forgotten the name of a song, a book title or even someone's name and spent the whole day trying to remember it? From The Brilliant Report: How To Give Good Feedback.

Monday, March 18, 2013 When effectively administered, feedback is a powerful way to build knowledge and skills, increase motivation, and develop reflective habits of mind in students and employees. Too often, however, the feedback we give (and get) is ineffectual or even counterproductive. Here, four ways to offer feedback that really makes a difference, drawn from research in psychology and cognitive science: 1. Supply information about what the learner is doing, rather than simply praise or criticism. In “The Power of Feedback,” an article published in the Review of Educational Research in 2007, authors John Hattie and Helen Timperley point out that specific information about how the learner is performing a task is much more helpful than mere praise or, especially, criticism. 2.

A second risk identified by Deci is that learners will interpret feedback as an attempt to control them—for example, when feedback is phrased as, “This is how you should do it.” 3. 4. The Magic of Music in the Classroom. Photo by: Piano Piano! We all know how music has the power to move people’s feelings and alter their moods. Many of us use music every single day to make us happy, to help us relax and to motivate us during exercise. Music is also ingrained into our memories. If you’ve ever had a song ‘stuck in your head’ you will know how easy it is to recall even the most annoying song on the radio, in a way that seems completely involuntarily. This phenomenon can drive us crazy, but for teachers, this idea can be adapted to help with the learning process. Here are some ways in which music can be used as a classroom aid to improve memory, aid concentration and boost morale!

Improve Memory Many of us still sing the alphabet song to ourselves whenever we need to alphabetize things in day to day life. Songs that are interactive and include movement work best for aiding recall. Aid Concentration Boost Morale You can also use music as a way of motivating students. How do you use music in your classroom? Response: "Ten Elements Of Effective Instruction" - Classroom Q&A With Larry Ferlazzo. (This is Part Two of a two-part series. You can see Part One here) The question asked two weeks ago was: How can English Teachers Best Improve Their Craft? I've previously posted a number of responses that apply to this question, including a five-part series on teaching reading and another five-part series on teaching writing. I also shared additional resources in Part One of this series.

Also in Part One, author/educators Penny Kittle and Carol Jago contributed responses. Response From Jim Burke Jim Burke (@englishcomp, is the author of the English Teacher's Companion, Fourth Edition and What's the Big Idea? What we want, what we need is a clear set of teaching moves we can use to make teaching consistently effective despite the inherent complexity of the classroom.

Simple problems, explains Gawunde, have established steps, such as using a recipe to bake a cake, one can follow. The Ten Elements of Effective Instruction 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. David B. Doclo: Assessment - Lesson Plan Assessment and Follow-Up. Definition: A 8-step lesson plan is not complete without the final step of Assessment. This is where you assess the final outcome of the lesson and to what extent the learning objectives were achieved. Learning goals can be assessed through quizzes, tests, independently performed worksheets, cooperative learning activities, hands-on experiments, oral discussion, question-and-answer sessions, or other concrete means.

Most importantly, ensure that the Assessment activity is directly and explicitly tied to the stated learning objectives. Once the students have completed the given assessment activity, you must take some time to reflect upon the results. If the learning objectives were not adequately achieved, you will need to revisit the lesson in a different manner. Student performance informs future lessons and where you will take your students next. Examples: Quiz Test Class discussion Hands-on experiment Worksheet Cooperative Learning activities Illustrations or Graphic Organizers.

Required Materials - Lesson Plan Required Materials and Equipment. Definition: Required Materials and Equipment is the seventh section of an effective [link lesson plan, after Objective, Anticipatory Set, Direct Instruction, Guided Practice, Closure, and Independent Practice. In the Required Materials section, consider: What items and supplies will be needed by both the instructor and the students in order to accomplish the stated learning objectives?

What equipment will I need in order to utilize as many learning modalities as possible? (visual, audio, tactile, kinesthetic, etc.) How can I use materials creatively? What can I borrow from other teachers? Keep in mind that modeling and the use of hands-on materials are especially effective in demonstrating concepts and skills to students. The Required Materials section will not be presented to students directly, but rather is written for the teacher's own reference and as a checklist before starting the lesson. Examples: Closure - Lesson Plan Closure. Definition: Closure is the fifth step in writing a strong and effective 8-step lesson plan for elementary school students. After defining the Objective, Anticipatory Set, Direct Instruction, and Guided Practice, the Closure section provides a fitting conclusion and context for the student learning that has taken place.

Closure is the time when you wrap up a lesson plan and help students organize the information into a meaningful context in their minds. A brief summary or overview is often appropriate. Another helpful activity is to engage students in a quick discussion about what exactly they learned and what it means to them now. Look for areas of confusion that you can quickly clear up. Reinforce the most important points so that the learning is solidified for future lessons. It is not enough to simply say, "Are there any questions? " Examples: Discuss new things that the students learned about plants and animals. Independent Practice - Lesson Plan Independent Practice. Definition: Independent Practice is the sixth step in writing an effective [link url= lesson plan for the elementary classroom, after defining the Objective, Anticipatory Set, Direct Instruction, Guided Practice, and Closure.

Through Independent Practice, students have a chance to reinforce skills and synthesize their new knowledge by completing a task on their own and away from the teacher's guidance. In writing the Independence Practice section of the Lesson Plan, consider the following questions: Based on observations during Guided Practice, what activities will my students be able to complete on their own? How can I provide a new and different context in which the students can practice their new skills? How can I offer Independent Practice on a repeating schedule so that the learning is not forgotten? How can I integrate the learning objectives from this particular lesson into future projects? Get creative. Guided Practice - Lesson Plans Guided Practice. Definition: Writing a Guided Practice section is the fourth step in writing an effective and strong 8-step lesson plan for the elementary school classroom, after defining the Objectives, Anticipatory Set, and Direct Instruction.

In the Guided Practice section of your written lesson plan, outline how your students will demonstrate that they have grasped the skills, concepts, and modeling that you presented to them in the Direct Instruction portion of the lesson. While you circulate the classroom and provide some assistance on a given activity (worksheet, illustration, experiment, discussion, or other assignment), the students should be able to perform the task and be held accountable for the lesson's information. The Guided Practice activities can be defined as either individual or cooperative learning. As a teacher, you should observe the students' level of mastery of the material in order to inform your future teaching. Examples: Students will split into pairs to work together on drawing. Direct Instruction - Lesson Plan Direct Instruction.

Definition: If your 8-step lesson plan were a hamburger, then the Direct Instruction section would be the all-beef patty. After writing the Objective (or Goals) and Anticipatory Set, you're ready to delineate exactly how you will present the most important lesson information to your students. Your methods of Direct Instruction could include reading a book, displaying diagrams, showing real-life examples of the subject matter, using props, discussing relevant characteristics, watching a movie, or other hands-on and/or presentational steps directly related to your lesson plan's stated objective.

When determining your methods of Direct Instruction, consider the following questions: How can I best tap into the various learning modalities (audio, visual, tactile, kinesthetic, etc.) to meet the learning style preferences of as many students as possible? What materials (books, videos, pneumonic devices, visual aids, props, etc.) are available to me for this lesson? Examples: Anticipatory Sets - Lesson Plan Anticipatory Sets. Definition: To write an effective lesson plan, you must define the Anticipatory Set. This is the second step of an 8-Step lesson plan and should be written after the Objective and before the Direct Instruction.

In the Anticipatory Set section, you outline what you will say and/or present to your students before the direct instruction of the lesson begins. The purpose of the Anticipatory Set is to: Provide continuity from previous lessons, if applicable Allude to familiar concepts and vocabulary as a reminder and refresher Tell the students briefly what the lesson will be about Gauge the students' level of collective background knowledge of the subject to help inform your instruction Activate the students' existing knowledge base Whet the class's appetite for the subject at hand Briefly expose the students to the lesson's objectives and how you will get them to the end result To write your Anticipatory Set, consider the following questions: Examples: Objectives - Lesson Plan Objectives and Goals. Definition: Objectives are the first step in writing a strong 8-step lesson plan. After the Objective, you will define the Anticipatory Set.

In the Objectives section of your lesson plan, write precise and delineated goals for what you want your students to be able to accomplish after the lesson is completed. Be Specific. Use numbers where appropriate. To define your lesson's objectives, consider the following questions: What will students accomplish during this lesson? Additionally, you will want to make sure that the lesson's objective fits in with your district and/or state educational standards for your grade level. By thinking clearly and thoroughly about the goals of your lesson, you will ensure that you are making the most of your teaching time. Also Known As: Goals Examples: Writing Lesson Plans - 8 Steps to Writing a Perfect Lesson Plan.

Whether you're working on your teaching credential or being reviewed by an administrator or evaluator, you will often need to write out a lesson plan during your teaching career. Make sure it includes the eight essential components of a strong, effective lesson plan and you'll be on your way to achieving every teacher's goal: measurable student learning. Use the blank lesson plan template to stay organized. 1. Objectives and Goals The lesson's objectives must be clearly defined and in lined with district and/or state educational standards. 2. Before you dig into the meat of your lesson's instruction, set the stage for your students by tapping into their prior knowledge and giving the objectives a context. 3. When writing your lesson plan, this is the section where you explicitly delineate how you will present the lesson's concepts to your students. 4. Under your supervision, the students are given a chance to practice and apply the skills you taught them through direct instruction. 5. 6. 8.

The Long-Term Effects Of Skipping Your Homework. Not every student loves reading, there’s no argument on that. We’ve talked about a lot of resources for learning to read and making reading fun and easy for students, but we haven’t really talked about where that reading fits in to the larger picture of a students’ education. Though the information in the infographic below isn’t very new (the reference notes 1987), the numbers still hold true. A student who reads 20 minutes per day will read 1,800,000 words by the end of the sixth grade, compared with a student who reads one minute per day, who will read only 8,000 words.

The student who reads one minute per day will only read .004% of what the 20 minute reader will read. Think about how much more information the 20 minute reader will have absorbed over time! I think this lesson is important for adults, too. When you’re not in school anymore and have ‘real life’ responsibilities like working and taking care of a house, spouse, and children, things like reading can fall by the wayside. {12 Days: Tool 2} Concept Circles. Tool 2: Concept Circles The Common Core ELA and literacy standards place an emphasis on increasing the amount of informational text in the classroom. Many teachers I work with have comfort and expertise with fiction but sometimes feel less comfortable when teaching students how to read and comprehend informational text.

What makes informational text so challenging for students is that informational text – textbooks, manuals, pamphlets, journal articles, encyclopedia entries - typically includes less familiar content and organizational text patterns. Informational text selections also include a great deal of academic vocabulary, often unfamiliar to students. And, if students aren’t familiar with the vocabulary, their comprehension will suffer. Concept Circles What are Concept Circles? The Concept Circle is a visual organizer that categorizes words related to a concept or topic. Why are they Important? What Works in the Classroom? Allen, Janet. (2007). Vacca, R. Kimberly. 10 Great Websites for Creating Free Online Exams and Quizzes.

The Seven Myths of Instructional Rigor. The Best Videos Showing The Importance Of Asking Good Questions — Help Me Find More. Fantastic and far-out formative assesment ideas | Irene Fountas and Gay Su Pinnell Reflect on Guided Reading. New Reasons to Dislike Multiple-Choice Testing. What does learning look like? From Management to Engagement. The Amazing Sticky Note. Writing Multiple Choice Questions For Higher Order Thinking: Instructional Design and eLearning. How to Design Text Based Questions (And Teach Students to Answer Them!) - School Leadership 2. Six Scaffolding Strategies to Use with Your Students. Classroom Discussion Strategies « Engnology. Strategy of the Week. Assessment for Learning: The Cramlington Teaching and Learning Model | cramlingtonmuse. Silent Communication Signals. Infinitely Reusable Folders. Tiered Exit Tickets.