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GovGrid | Connecting Government in the Virtual World. Virtual Worlds - Blogs. Virtual worlds - content. National Robotics Week in Second Life April 9-17. The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers in Second Life sends along the news that next week is National Robotics Week. The purpose of National Robotics Week is to "educate the public about how robotics technology impacts society, both now and in the future," and "inspire students of all ages to pursue careers in robotics and other Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math-related fields. " Last year, there were events all over the United States involving 46,000 people.

This year, the IEEE is bringing the festivities to the virtual world with a host of activities including: In-world presentationsTours of virtual robotics and AI applicationsGame engine AI applicationsTraining & simulation robotsLarge scale bot culture communitiesVirtual learning centersA Robot huntWeek-long virtual robot building competition with prizes I for one welcome our virtual bot overlords.

Head to the official website for more info and to this teleport link to participate. Machinimasound | Free Music for the Machinima Community. VHIL: Virtual Human Interaction Lab - Stanford University. Virtual Education. Metanomics.