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The 30 Minute $6 Dress Tutorial | papernstitch - StumbleUpon. Guest post by Rachael at Talk 2 the Trees. The perfect dress is hard to come by. I like my dresses to be cheap, and long enough. (I’m not a fan of super short dresses!) Cheap and long dresses don’t seem to go hand in hand.. so, if you want something done right, you have to do it yourself! Here is a tutorial for a simple yet cute dress. It takes about 30 minutes to make and costs much less than most dresses! Here’s Your Supplies List: 1. Here’s How you Make it: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

Here’s the tutorial in pictures… Believe it or not, this dress only took about 30 minutes to make. About the author. How To Put Your Hair Up In A Cute Bun | Guide « Wonder How To - StumbleUpon. Comb your hair carefully to eliminate any tangles or knots.Take some hair from the top of your head. 3. Tie off this hair with a hair elastic. 4. Don't pull off the ends. 5. 6. 7. 8. 12 Ways to Tie A Scarf & & - - - StumbleUpon. How to tie a scarf ♥1. Yellow Scarf: Add a corsage to spice up your scarf.♥2. Pink and Purple Scarf: Use an infinity scarf as a shawl.♥3. Lime Green Scarf: Fold your scarf in half, put the middle around your neck. If you have a question about how to tie a scarf listed above, Tweet at us! Want this image for your blog or website? Vitamin HB | Luscious Lip Scrub! & huda beauty.

Vitamin HB | Luscious Lip Scrub! Mon, 23 Jan 2012 DAILY DOSE | NATURAL RECIPEBy Huda Heidi Kattan I have an obsession with chapstick! I pretty much always have some form of either chapstick or lip ointment in my bag! Ingredients 1/2 Teaspoon Olive Oil 1 Teaspoon Honey 3 Teaspoon Sugar Splash of Lemon Mix all ingredients together in a bowl, then massage onto lips. Nails - Polyvore - StumbleUpon.

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