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Robbins-Madanes Training. Strategic Intervention Coaching is the new standard for professional communication, understanding, and helping of people. Whether you're a life coach, a helping professional, or simply seeking to communicate with and help people on the highest possible level, you're about to offer a whole new way to create value for anyone you meet. We train people in advanced strategies for resolving the whole range of human challenges in a way that redefines problems so that they can be solved and that leads to greater growth, contribution, and common good. A Strategic Intervention Coach navigates a variety of scenarios ranging from individual problems to those of the couple, the family, the peer group, the organization, and the larger social system.

Strategic Intervention Coaching is open-ended: by using our principles you can strengthen your professional skills, whatever they may be. We have students from a variety of industries and backgrounds applying SI to their workplace and careers. Jacqueline Novogratz on escaping poverty. Nalini Nadkarni: Life science in prison. Celebrating TEDWomen | Video channel on Eleni Gabre-Madhin on Ethiopian economics. Ory Okolloh on becoming an activist. Jody Williams: A realistic vision for world peace. Gayle Tzemach Lemmon: Women entrepreneurs, example not exception. CHLOE HICKINBOTTOM(10) STUNS AUDIENCE ON BRITAIN'S GOT TALENT. One of the best inspirational videos ever - Susan Boyle - Britains Got Talent 2009.

TEDxAmsterdam 2011 - Wende Snijders. TEDxAmsterdam 2011 - Hassina Sherjan.