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MA ORIENTEERING. Kjetil Kjernsmo's illustrated guide on My main motivation for writing these pages is to let people have the same nice experiences I have had when I have been, well, nowhere...


Places you see just by coincidence. The compass is an indispensable tool to find your way home, or to go nowhere. Foreword This tutorial is intended for individuals and non-profit organizations, and may be printed out and used free of charge as long as my name is on it. I hope these pages will help people enjoy and learn more about our beautiful earth. MA KNOT TYING ANIMATION. MA KNOT TYING. Appendix G G-1.


To be able to construct shelters, traps and snares, weapons and tools, and other devices; you should have a basic knowledge of ropes and knots and some of the terminology used with them. The terms are as follows: Bight. A simple bend of rope in which the rope does not cross itself.Dressing the knot. Figure G-1. MA HYPOTHERMIA COLD DANGER. 15-24.


Hypothermia is the lowering of the body temperature at a rate faster than the body can produce heat. Causes of hypothermia may be general exposure or the sudden wetting of the body by falling into a lake or spraying with fuel or other liquids. 15-25. The initial symptom is shivering. This shivering may progress to the point that it is uncontrollable and interferes with an individual's ability to care for himself.

MA HERBAL PLANTS. U.S ARMY Chapter 9 Survival Use of Plants After having solved the problems of finding water, shelter, and animal food, you will have to consider the use of plants you can eat.


In a survival situation you should always be on the lookout for familiar wild foods and live off the land whenever possible.You must not count on being able to go for days without food as some sources would suggest. Even in the most static survival situation, maintaining health through a complete and nutritious diet is essential to maintaining strength and peace of mind.Nature can provide you with food that will let you survive almost any ordeal, if you don't eat the wrong plant. You must therefore learn as much as possible beforehand about the flora of the region where you will be operating. 9-1. MA FIRE CREATION. Chapter 7 In many survival situations, the ability to start a fire can make the difference between living and dying.


Fire can fulfill many needs. It can provide warmth and comfort. It not only cooks and preserves food, it also provides warmth in the form of heated food that saves calories our body normally uses to produce body heat. You can use fire to purify water, sterilize bandages, signal for rescue, and provide protection from animals. MA DIRECTION FINDING.

Chapter 18 In a survival situation, you will be extremely fortunate if you happen to have a map and compass.


If you do have these two pieces of equipment, you will most likely be able to move toward help. If you are not proficient in using a map and compass, you must take the steps to gain this skill. There are several methods by which you can determine direction by using the sun and the stars. These methods, however, will give you only a general direction. MA DANGEROUS ANIMALS. Chapter 11 click for dangerous Arachnids PicturesDangerous sakes and lizardsDangerous Fish and MollusksThe threat from animals is less than from other parts of the environment.


However, common sense tells you to avoid encounters with lions, bears, and other large or dangerous animals. You should also avoid large grazing animals with horns, hooves, and great weight. Move carefully through their environment. Caution may prevent unexpected meetings. MA POISONING EMERGENCY. MA CHILDREN'S SURVIVAL. Where do you want to go on ETS?


THE ABOVE IS A DIRECT LINK TO A Kid's Wilderness Survival Primer A Kid's Wilderness Survival Primer Looking up, you notice that the light is growing dimmer and realize you better hurry back to camp before anyone starts to worry. Brushing yourself off and nodding goodbye to the playful squirrels who scatter with your movement, you start off. MA CHECKLIST. Daily Carry– on your person or within reach This Quality Daily Carry Kit from Quake Kare is On Sale Now Ready-Made Daily Carry Fanny Pack #1 – Case of Water per Family member #2 – 72 hour bags for Anyone Large enough to carry one.


(Scales the kids’ bags accordingly – some water) #3 – Food – Short Term – stock up on the Good Items you like with good shelf lives #4 – Food – Long Term – learn about various supplies as soon as you can #5 – First Aid Kit and the knowledge to use it #6 – Poncho and Space Blanket #7 – Multifunction Tools for each family member #8 – Weapons (Defend your family or protect supplies from animals) #9 – Hand-cranked Emergency Radio, lighting and other survival items #10 – Family Walkie-Talkies – good for 5 miles (be very conservative) <extra Batteries> #11 – Hiking boots – important (think of the debris during some types of disaster) House Supplies #1 -Automatic seismic shut-off valve to protect gas lines (Earthquake zones)