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StartupBug is an independent and registered software development and production firm headquartered in New York, USA. In the field of articulate and smart business software creation, our group has backed up 12+ years of professional experience and client satisfaction nationwide as well as globally. Staying and thriving in a world of relentless competition is no child’s play. Getting to the depth of customer needs and being right in their shoes has been our working philosophy since our firm’s very onset. The software market as of today presents higher levels of technical and inventive scenarios whereby these programs require extreme care and an innovative mindset. Only a professionally sound agency like ours is able to cope with such matters that pose maximum functionality and higher ROI. At StartupBug, the range of software solutions that we provide in a sparkling form is quite extensive. With our corporate-level services, our clients are in for an experience of a lifetime that would stay fresh in their memories for times to come. What else, your visitors, your clients, your audience as a whole are guaranteed the absolute smoothness and ease with which they would be served and entertained.

The Startup Strategy You Need During COVID-19 Pandemic. Introduction Let’s just address the elephant in the room.

The Startup Strategy You Need During COVID-19 Pandemic

We’re heading towards-or are already in-the greatest recession of all time. More than 22 million Americans have already lost their jobs either because of layoffs, or their companies shutting down completely. As reported in SmallBizTrends, “27% of businesses expect the coronavirus to have a moderate to high impact on their revenue. Another 30% expect the virus to have a moderate to high impact on their supply chain.” For a startup, it’s an extremely crucial time, and if they want to survive the coronavirus wave, they need to have a startup strategy in place. What should you do if you want to toughen up in the face of coronavirus? 1. First things first, protect your employees. If you take your investor’s interest into account, you might be unwilling to implement work from home policy in your company as it can affect productivity levels. Venture capitalists can afford to lose money, but your employees can’t afford to get sick. 2. 3. The Philosophy of Growing Your Startup in 2020.

The Startup Philosophy Ever wondered why the most successful business owners have a calm way of regarding their startup?

The Philosophy of Growing Your Startup in 2020

It’s because of the philosophy they’ve built over time and sticking to it. Thousands of entrepreneurs take the plunge every year, but very few actually go through the journey and come out unscathed and successful. The people who were successful had the same mindset while starting their startup journey: Going in with a business plan and in-depth research about the industry they’ll be dipping their toes in. Some entrepreneurs might succeed at the beginning, but lose momentum as time passes. COVID-19 Media Consumption For Each Generation. Introduction Coronavirus lockdown has unfortunately forced us to, well, get locked in our own homes.

COVID-19 Media Consumption For Each Generation

Rather than spending your spring and summer break by soaking in the sun by the beach, all we’re doing is media consumption and wondering about the times we were lucky enough to enjoy a meal at a restaurant. With nothing else to do, people all over the globe have turned to the media for entertainment and distraction before they get bored out of their minds. This article sheds light on how media consumption across each generation has grown ever since the pandemic started. There are some eye-opening insights that make us realize just how much we depend on different forms of media. More Time to Kill Global Web Index reported that over 80% of consumers in the US and UK have consumed more content since the Coronavirus outbreak.

As expected, 68% of consumers are searching for pandemic related updates, making this activity rank higher than any other. 13 Startups That Thrived During and After the Great Recession. The Incoming Recession With the coronavirus taking over 550,000 cases and almost 25,000 deaths in its claws, it has forced economies to shut down and businesses all over the globe to work remotely.

13 Startups That Thrived During and After the Great Recession

Since this pandemic is nowhere near done, governments are preparing to face the oncoming recession, a crisis that’s going to affect every country. Multiple companies have either downsized or been forced to shut down. All industries have halted in their steps, including food, fashion, tech, and business, among others. In short, the COVID-19 effects have been devastating on the well being, mental health, and economic situation on the majority of people worldwide. However, there is a silver lining even in this gut-wrenching situation, and no, it’s not about the Earth healing itself ever since humans are reduced to their homes.

Somewhere out there, in an idea brewing that could be the next revolutionary thing we all need. The Inside-Out of Animation Industry During COVID-19. Ask for the most circulated and happening buzzword that has become increasingly viral, and ironically, it is a virus itself.

The Inside-Out of Animation Industry During COVID-19

The Coronavirus, leading to the infectious condition termed by the medical experts as “COVID-19”. The virulent situation has only worsened over time since its inception in the Chinese mainland, in late December last year. The entire globe, save a few luckier states, has been under an ever-increasing brunt of what has now transformed into a pandemic that currently seems out of proportion and beyond all controls.

The human suffering has fast progressed to businesses and commerce literally falling apart worldwide in the most undesirable manner. The Startup Culture of 2020. When thinking about startup culture, you must be thinking about late sittings at the office, busy hours, and homey offices.

The Startup Culture of 2020

Well, you’re not wrong. However, just like everything else in this world, startup culture is also ever-evolving. This article is going to reflect on the startup culture of 2020 and how it has changed from before. The startup culture of an organization can make or break a business. The efficient work of its employees runs a company, or it doesn’t run at all. A culture of an organization plays a vital part in the satisfaction of a worker, but how does culture tie in with the success of a business? Why startup culture is important Did you know that 65% of 18-35 old employees prefer culture over salary?