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Hydrogen Peroxide Uses - 12 Ways to Clean With It. A mild hydrogen peroxide spray can be your plants’ best friend.

Hydrogen Peroxide Uses - 12 Ways to Clean With It

The extra oxygen atom in H₂O₂ benefits the growth process and can also treat a number of conditions, including pests, root rot, and fungus. However, if over-applied, hydrogen peroxide can damage plants and beneficial organisms; test a small amount of the solutions prescribed below on leaves or soil first, before spraying larger areas. Discontinue if you see effects like wilting or excess dryness. • For houseplants, mix one tablespoon of three percent hydrogen peroxide and one cup of water in a spray bottle and soak the soil with the solution once or twice a week (making soil dries out completely before a second treatment). 8 Creative Uses for Castor Oil Around the House. 11 Borax Uses for Around the Home. Stocking specially formulated products for every room and surface in the house, from dish soap to bathroom cleaner, adds up.

11 Borax Uses for Around the Home

More than just pricey, these store-bought options can also include ingredients that are toxic for the household and environment. Reassessing your purchases and creating homemade cleaners from a few basic ingredients, however, could go a long way to save you money and exposure to harsh chemicals. These initiatives led people to rediscover borax, which has been a reliable cleaning product for over 100 years. This alkaline mineral salt looks like a white powder and costs around $2.25 per 35 ounce box. Borax uses include cleaning solutions and other household activities because it sanitizes, fights stains, and defeats grease. RELATED: 15 Reliable Products That Have 100 Years of Good Reviews.

Hydrogen Peroxide Uses - 12 Ways to Clean With It. 10 Uses for Coconut Oil. (527) The Aluminum Foil Trick Everyone Should Know About. Best Tips. 5 Ways to Use a Blow-Dryer. 24 Simple Home Hacks to Save Money. 12 Genius Cooking Spray Hacks You’ll Wish You Knew Sooner. (177) 22 SURPRISING USES FOR COCA-COLA. (26) Do Not Throw Away These Bags When You See What They Can Do Youll Keep Them like Gold. IKEA Products Every Renter Should Know About. Clever LEGO building ideas - How to keep kids entertained. Many parents and guardians are now coming up with ways to keep kids entertained while they’re at home in lockdown, and also learning even though schools are shut to the majority of children.

Clever LEGO building ideas - How to keep kids entertained

Of course, that’s not an easy task but thankfully there are lots of online resources at our disposal from virtual dance classes to free audiobooks. Another solution to quelling boredom, of course, comes in the form of the toys children have at home, but did you know that one popular item – LEGO – has many more uses than you might have first realised? Cue Kate Winter, director and co-founder of Master Builders Club, a business which hosts curriculum-based LEGO workshops in pre-schools, nursery schools and primary schools as well as local village halls in the capacity of private parties.

Speaking about the benefit of children using LEGO, Kate said it’s “an incredible tool for developing children’s cognitive and fine motor skills. Don’t just follow instructions Play games with LEGO. Budget DIY Hacks To Update Up Your Home. Most homeowners have a seemingly endless to-do list, filled with jobs ranging from minor to major.

Budget DIY Hacks To Update Up Your Home

For many, one of the biggest obstacles in completing projects, is cost. Investing in new furniture, or a new home can be very expensive. These Easy Aluminum Foil Household Hacks Are Changing Peoples' Lives. 1.

These Easy Aluminum Foil Household Hacks Are Changing Peoples' Lives

Keeping Your Grill Clean. These Mind Blowing Life Hacks are The Life Savers We All Need. WD-40 Life Hacks We've Been Missing Out On All This Time. 1.

WD-40 Life Hacks We've Been Missing Out On All This Time

Protect Your Bird Feeder When your yard is equipped with a bird feeder, you can always look forward to waking up to a lovely chorus of chirping. But birds aren’t the only wild animals you’ll be attracting with that delicious seed. The minute a squirrel spies that bird feeder, he’ll be sticking around — and will likely scare the birds off your property. (3) 37 DOLLAR STORE ORGANIZATION HACKS. (3) FABEDhacks. 40 Coca-Cola Hacks That Sound Insane But Are Actually Genius. The Best Temperatures to Set Everything in Your Home. Non-living spaces of your home, such as that storage room, walk-in closet or mudroom, can be kept cool in the winter, as low as 15 to 18 C.

The Best Temperatures to Set Everything in Your Home

And in the summer, make sure closets and storage rooms stay cool enough to preserve sensitive contents such as photos, keepsake clothing and important documents. Those can be damaged by mildew and condensation in warm, closed-off environments. Like the rest of your home in the summer, these spaces should be kept no warmer than 26 C. 40 Secret Aluminum Foil Hacks You Probably Never Knew About.

(53) The Aluminum Foil Trick Everyone Should Know About. (39) 20 Foods I Keep in MY SECRET PREPPER PANTRY (Food Storage 101) (39) Tricks Advertisers Use To Make Food Look Delicious! DIY Food Photo Hacks and More by Blossom. (38) 14 Helpful Hacks You've Got to Try Around the House! Blossom. $1 Solutions You’ll Wish You Knew Sooner. When you’re looking forward to a nice, warm shower, nothing is more frustrating than facing a weak trickle of water.

$1 Solutions You’ll Wish You Knew Sooner

If a buildup of lime and mineral scale have reduced your shower to a fading stream and you to tears, fix the problem with vinegar, a plastic sandwich bag, and duct tape. Fill the bag with white vinegar and cover the showerhead, making sure that the head is completely submerged in in the vinegar. Tape the bag to the showerhead arm with the duct tape, and let it soak overnight.

27 LIFE-CHANGING HACKS THAT WILL HELP TO SOLVE ANY PROBLEM. The things you should get rid of in your medicine cabinet. Untitled. Untitled. Untitled. Untitled. Things to Repurpose Instead of Throwing Away. Things to Repurpose Instead of Throwing Away. 37 Conversation Starters That Make You Instantly Interesting. Australian Reptile Park - ELSA THE KOALA AND HOPE THE WOMBAT BEST FRIENDS. Surprising uses for Coca-Cola. It's hard to resist an ice-cold bubbly Coke.

Surprising uses for Coca-Cola

As we all know, Coca-Cola is one of the most popular drinks in the world. But there is more to it than its exquisite flavor and refreshing properties. Coca-Cola has, in fact, many other uses in addition to being a delicious drink that revolutionized the world of soda. Browse through the following gallery and discover the surprising uses for Coca-Cola. It's hard to resist an ice-cold bubbly Coke. Browse through the following gallery and discover the surprising uses for Coca-Cola. These 25 Photos Show Why Things Were Designed The Way They Were. How to Declutter Every Room in Your Home: A Minimalist's Guide. The place you park your car can easily become a graveyard for things you don’t want in the house, says Murphy.

How to Declutter Every Room in Your Home: A Minimalist's Guide

Spare tires for cars you no longer own, paint tins, canned food and boxes belonging to grown children are frequent offenders when it comes to garage clutter. When deciding what to get rid of, “Rust is a good clue,” says Warkentin, who recommends investing in a shelving system to keep things off the floor. If you’re sick of storing other people’s items, give them a deadline—if they don’t pick up their stuff by then, you’ll be getting rid of it. Why Didn't I Think of That? 32 Reasons You Should Be Cleaning with Vinegar. 20 Clever Uses for Baking Soda You'll Wish You Knew Sooner. Surprising uses for Coca-Cola. 50 Brilliant New Ways to Use These Everyday Items. If you're like most people, chances are you have too much stuff in your home. In fact, professional organizer Regina Lark, PhD, told the Los Angeles Times that the average American home packs a staggering 300,000 items. And while going full Marie Kondo isn't for everyone, there's a simple way to cut down on the clutter: Find creative new uses for household items you already own instead of acquiring more and more.

Grief, guilt, embarrassment — clutter can stir many emotions. Here are some tips to kickstart the clearout. Staying home as much as possible has become the norm for many Canadians, which means any clutter that's built up over the years is now constantly in view. That makes it the perfect time to purge unwanted and unused belongings, according to a decluttering expert.

But if the thought of going through rooms and boxes of things you've collected over the years makes you feel uneasy, you're not alone. Marilyn Carlaw, owner and operator of Declutter Bug & Co. in Prince George, B.C., said the experience is overwhelming for many. Give It Love - Positive and inspiring stories. 8 things you can do if you're witnessing a racist incident. Editor's note: The original version of this story was entitled "8 things you can do if you're witnessing a racist incident" and included a quote from Transit Police suggesting the first thing to do is call 911. It has been retitled and updated to reflect the feedback from a number of community members that calling police may not necessarily be the first thing to do. We want to acknowledge and thank everyone who gave us that feedback, as we welcome every opportunity to make our journalism better. The global COVID-19 pandemic has given rise to a rash of anti-Asian, or more specifically anti-Chinese, racist incidents.

Nearly Forgotten Kitchen Secrets from the Past.