Star Media
Starmedia specialises in creating strategic branding and marketing solution across all platforms from graphic design to website and mobile applications
Local Web Design and Digital Marketing Company. Local Web Design and Digital Marketing Company.
If you are thinking about putting your business online or boosting your online presence, you must be wondering which web design and digital marketing company to turn up to, right? Often, businesses decided to go with the well-known larger corporate companies providing these services, and that’s where they make mistakes. If you are looking for a cheap perth web design company, then always prefer local companies. Here are the reasons why you should always choose a local web design and digital marketing company.
Local companies are well versed in the local market. WordPress vs Website Builders. Are you looking for the platform to build your website?
Are you confused about choosing among Wix, WordPress, Shopify and Squarespace? Different website builders have made survival easier for small businesses. They help you to build the website without even hiring a professional. However, it might be a little tricky for beginners to choose among the best website builders as these all different builders build great website but in totally different ways. Graphic Design Perth WA. How to add custom email to iPhone, Samsung, outlook, PC or Mac.
Not only does a custom email address make you look professional, but it also helps establish your business.
In this article, we will discuss how to add a custom email to your phone or computer. Before we begin, please make sure you know the email settings for your account such as incoming or outgoing mail server. You should look them up if you don’t know them, or contact your email hosting provider Perth website designer . How to add custom email to iPhone? 1. 2. 3. Account. 4. 5. 6. 7 .Tap the Next button. 8. Preventing The Dementia Effect Of Marketing. Preventing The Dementia Effect Of Marketing When you say dementia, it is the degeneration of the brain leading to serious loss of cognitive ability leading to massive memory loss and inability to control attention.
It is commonly called old people disease. Now, what’s the connection of dementia with advertising? Simple, you want people to never forget your advertisements; thus, you don’t want people to have dementia when it comes to the ads you put out there. Web design agencies Perth In making your ads work, there are certain basic concepts that could shed light on the things to avoid, risk or undertake.
How to add custom email to iPhone, Samsung, outlook, PC or Mac. Not only does a custom email address make you look professional, but it also helps establish your business.
In this article, we will discuss how to add a custom email to your phone or computer. Before we begin, please make sure you know the email settings for your account such as incoming or outgoing mail server. How to add custom email to iPhone, Samsung, outlook, PC or Mac. Not only does a custom email address make you look professional, but it also helps establish your business.
In this article, we will discuss how to add a custom email to your phone or computer. Before we begin, please make sure you know the email settings for your account such as incoming or outgoing mail server. Top Tips to Advertise Your Business. Colour for Marketing — The meaning of Brand Colour. Research reveals people make a subconscious judgment about a person, environment, or product within 90 seconds of initial viewing and that between 62% and 90% of that assessment is based on brand colour alone”.
Source — CCICOLOR — Institute for Color Research. So choosing the right brand colour for your business is very important. Colour Psychology. Graphic Designer In Perth. What is Web Hosting and Domain? If you want to develop your personal brand or maybe start a new business online, you will need a website.
Today, websites are like a phone number everyone has one. There are many reasons to own a website, whatever those be, there are things like: What is Domain name, what is a subdomain, what is web hosting, what is DNS, cPanel, FTP; which are often heard but rarely understood. As a result, many become frustrated and stop the idea of owning a website. LANDING PAGE OPTIMIZATION. Website and Graphic Design Perth. What is SSL and How it Works? You may have noticed that some Website designer perth.
The presence of ‘s’ in the URL means the website is secure and encrypted, and any data that you give to the website is only shared with the website and is completely safe. The ‘s’ present is known as Secure Sockets Layer, otherwise called SSL. If you are a marketer it is important that your website has SSL security as a consumer always looks for SSL certificates when he shares important information like credit card details to pay or purchase.
Today, the presence of SSL is not a choice but has become a basic necessity of websites. This article will cover everything about SSL like What is an SSL certificate and more importantly, the importance of SSL. There are tons of SSL certificates that exist where some are free, some are cheap, and some are very, very expensive (almost 4000.00USD /year). This does not mean that free or cheap SSL certification is not worthy. Digital Marketing Strategies 2020 – Online Marketing Ideas for Businesses. Web Design Company In Perth. Google My Business Listing – How to Add Your Business to Google? How to add your business to Google?
One of the important aspects of doing business today is going online. And, listing on Google My Business allows just that. Not only it brings new customers to your business, doing it correctly can increase your rankings in the Local Pack results, Local Finder, and Google Maps, which in turn, invites more customers. Digital Marketing Strategies 2020 – Online Marketing Ideas for Businesses. Internet World Stats in its 2019 reports broadly spoke about 50 per cent of the world being online and this ratio is more than 90 per cent in the developed countries. Now, even the small business digital marketing strategy— understand the customer’s behaviours in real-time, including not just their usage statistics but also their demographics and particular likewise detailed interests.
It is clear that digital marketing strategy is today a much broader concept than the online channels of a decade ago, and it has become a must in everything we do. Why a CMS is Important to Your Business? Why a CMS is Important to Your Business? 1. Improve productivity — Content can be distributed effectively as there is no technical or coding knowledge required for revisions and edits. This makes the updates done quickly, sparing your business cost and time. 2. Clear Cookies – How to Clear Browser Cache and History? (All Browsers) Clear Cookies – How to Clear Browser Cache and History? (All Browsers) How to clear Browser cache and history? Browser hygiene may not be a widespread practice, but periodically clearing your web browser’s cache, cookies, and history is healthy for your browser’s better performance.
One uses a browser daily for different actions like checking email, paying bills, shopping online, viewing the video of favorite youtube channel—you see where the trend is going, right: for almost everything and anything. WORK ON VS IN THE BUSINESS. WORK IN your business encompasses your daily roles, activities, and processes that would make your business sail smoothly. The manufacturing of your products, fulfilling job orders, maintaining outflow and inflow of money, and managing employees are considered examples of working in your business. Some parts of the entire daily process may sound so “routine” and begin to be boring such as marking requests. Landing Page Optimization. Digital Marketing Strategies 2020 – Online Marketing Ideas for Businesses. Digital Marketing strategies for small business and online marketing strategies is the ever-evolving and advancing beast and one that proceeds to proclaim its arms deep into the methods that small businesses have lived by for decades.
The infiltration of the internet has completely changed the small business digital marketing strategy. And with the entrance of broadband, internet speed has increased with that; so the internet usage. Internet World Stats in its 2019 reports broadly spoke about 50 per cent of the world being online and this ratio is more than 90 per cent in the developed countries. Now, even the small business digital marketing strategy— understand the customer’s behaviours in real-time, including not just their usage statistics but also their demographics and particular likewise detailed interests. It is clear that digital marketing strategy is today a much broader concept than the online channels of a decade ago, and it has become a must in everything we do. 2. 3. 4. 5. Why a CMS is Important to Your Business? Why a CMS is Important to Your Business? Posted by starmedia on August 17th, 2020 1. Improve productivity — Content can be distributed effectively as there is no technical or coding knowledge required for revisions and edits.
This makes the updates done quickly, sparing your business cost and time. 2. Why a CMS is Important to Your Business? Importance of Branding — A Complete Guide. Importance of Branding — A Complete Guide The ability of a business to have an exceptional deal of notable impact in the market is conceivable only with the formulation of its personal brand. Today, the importance of branding is confined to exploitation by businesses to enhance their turnover and position in the market. The real definition of branding shall be winning loyalty; instead, it has converted as product handling hallmarks.
New Product Launch Marketing Strategies. Top Tips to Advertise Your Business. Top Tips to Advertise Your Business. Learn Few Tips to Advertise Your BusinessYour aim with advertising is to get exposure as much as you want in every opportunity that you get with graphic design Perth WA. Although there are strategic ways for you to advertise and influence your target market, it doesn’t hurt if you also source out the infrequent ways of getting attention for your product. Here are some ways how to go outside the box of the major advertisement schemes. √ Go mobile. Don’t underestimate the power of flyers.
The Differences Between SEO and SEM. The Differences Between SEO and SEM. What is SEO vs SEM? SEO revolves around increasing traffic through the incorporation of unique keywords into your website or blog, while SEM gives exposures to your website through paid Google ads. SEO can be achieved through the use of methods or techniques aiming at obtaining high ranking keywords worldwide. So unique that, it is highly ranked in the (SERPs) search results page of search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and various other search engines. Graphic Design Services Perth. The Differences Between SEO and SEM. SEO can be achieved through the use of methods or techniques aiming at obtaining high ranking keywords worldwide.
So unique that, it is highly ranked in the (SERPs) search results page of search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and various other search engines. The Differences Between SEO and SEM. Graphic Design Perth WA. Preventing The Dementia Effect Of Marketing. Top Tips to Advertise Your Business. Graphic Designer In Perth. Colour for Marketing — The meaning of Brand Colour. Preventing the Dementia Effect of Marketing. Increase Online Sales — Grow your Business Online. Website Designer Perth. Top Tips to Advertise Your Business. Preventing the Dementia Effect of Marketing. Graphic Design Perth WA. Graphic Design Services Perth. Why a CMS is Important to Your Business? Digital Marketing Strategies 2020 – Online Marketing Ideas for Businesses. Perth Web Designer. Web Designer Perth. Website and Graphic Design. What is SEO and how it works.
Star Media.