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Teaching Your Cat to Walk on a Leash. Teaching your cat to walk on a harness and leash is a great way to let your cat enjoy the outdoors while ensuring his safety.

Teaching Your Cat to Walk on a Leash

Outdoor excursions can reduce obesity and boredom-related behavior problems that many underexercised indoor cats develop. Leash training also comes in handy during trips to the vet and other necessary travel. Before you get started, be sure your cat is up to date on his vaccinations. Most cats can be trained to walk on a harness and leash. Kittens are naturally more accepting of this new experience, but older cats can be trained with patience. Purchase a harness designed for cats. Cat Discipline - How Do You Stop Your Cat's Bad Behavior? Cat discipline; is there such a thing?

Cat Discipline - How Do You Stop Your Cat's Bad Behavior?

Well yes there is, but it's not what you may traditionally think of as a punishment. I know what it's like when confronted by what we as humans consider bad cat behaviour. With our old kitty Little Mo, our main problem was that she thought that night time was the best time to run madly around the house and wake us up to play with her. She also liked her night time snack and would meow at us at the top of her voice until one of us got up.

At first we did all the usual human responses to this behaviour. All to no avail, she continued to meow and meow until we got up and gave her what she wanted. Of course this meant that we were forever tired and a good nights sleep was a thing of the past. We discovered the secret to cat discipline, the kind and most effective way, the cats' way. Why Do Cats Behave Badly Things like indoor cat trees, scratching posts, climbing towers and other kitty furniture are a great way to provide an ideal environment for your pet. Cat Meowing Excessively? Find Out Why Here! Excessive cat meowing can sometimes be very annoying, but we must remember that they are just trying to communicate something, either to us or to other cats.

Cat Meowing Excessively? Find Out Why Here!

Understanding these cat sounds can help us to prevent excessive meowing. Over the years our cats have learnt that as humans, we respond to vocal sounds much better than by using body language and scent, which are the main sources of communication in their feline world. Information On This Page: Cat Training and Behavior. First, you want to rule out any health concerns.

Cat Training and Behavior

I had a client whose cat began meowing alot in a way she hadn't before. The meowing got increasingly more frequent. CatsPlay Superstore - Cat Furniture, Gyms, Toys, Beds and More! Cat Behavior - Understand Your Cat. Cat Questions – Answers to cat behavior and cat health problems. Enriching Your Cat's Life. Free-ranging and feral cats lead complex and busy lives.

Enriching Your Cat's Life

They maintain large territories that often contain a variety of habitats (forest, farmland, urban gardens, etc.). They explore, they hunt, they scavenge for food, and they might interact with other cats. In contrast, household cats, especially those who live exclusively indoors, have little to do and boredom may set in. Cats who lack enrichment can be aggressive in play, both with people and with other animals in the household.Young cats without planned enrichment opportunities often pester their pet parents for play at inappropriate hours of the day and night. Cat Toys. Although they’re much safer inside from disease and danger, most housecats tend to be overweight and underactive.

Cat Toys

Cats, like people and dogs, benefit from keeping fit and active, both mentally and physically. Exercise is essential for your cat’s mental and physical health because it relieves stress and boredom, improves circulation, builds muscle tone and can prevent or reduce behavioral problems. Curious Objects: Squiggles. The practice of sticking googly eyes on inanimate objects is one that I wholeheartedly support - in principle.

Curious Objects: Squiggles

In practice, the results can be somewhat disappointing. Enter 'Squiggles'. Sometimes, a bit of fake fur and some googly eyes can conjure up a winsome little character. But Squiggles... is a strip of fake fur with some googly eyes stuck on top. Squiggles' USP is that you can 'Stroke my back and watch me wiggle! ' Training Your Cat. Most people believe that cats can’t be trained because cats don’t seem to respond to many of the methods used to train dogs.

Training Your Cat

But cats do respond to training! In fact one of the first scientific studies highlighting the importance of reinforcement in animal behavior was done with cats. The first step to training your cat is to understand him. Cats aren’t as social as dogs. Dogs have been bred specifically to work together with people, whereas the primary reason cats were domesticated was to kill vermin on their own. Training a Cat to Be Quiet: My Cat Meows Too Much, What Do I Do? By Dr Sophia Yin You think YOUR cat meows too much?!

Training a Cat to Be Quiet: My Cat Meows Too Much, What Do I Do?

Is he a Bengal or Siamese? Believe it or not, yelling at him or hurling (soft) objects usually doesn’t work. And even though it may make your feel better, in fact doing so may make the cat worse!