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StarAgent is the All-in-one talent agency management software offering intelligent and powerful tools to manage creative talents, models, clients and projects.

4 Popular Productivity Styles That Your Team Can Use To Increase Work Efficiency - Staragent. Being productive is a tough battle, and most of the time, it leaves us feeling burnt out or pushes us out to a zone of ‘I can’t do it anymore!’.

4 Popular Productivity Styles That Your Team Can Use To Increase Work Efficiency - Staragent

We often jump from one thing to another, either focussing on multiple things at once or focussing too much on one thing. Whatever it is, the productivity hormones never kick in. While we were searching for different ways to make StarAgent users feel productive, we bumped into unique productivity styles that can be used to clean the whole work mess we are facing on a daily basis. After knowing more about it, we realised StarAgent has almost every feature or tool to start adopting these productivity styles, and we are very excited to show you how.

But before that, let us tell you about one supreme solution to shoot up your productivity levels. Now let’s get right into the article! Talent Management - Faster. Smarter. - Staragent. “Until we can manage time, we can manage nothing else.” – Peter Drucker But, if you are running a model management agency, how can you save time, and become more efficient and potentially lucrative with your operations?

Talent Management - Faster. Smarter. - Staragent

StarAgent is the answer! By enabling faster and easier management of models, clients, and tasks, among an array of other features, it is capable of revolutionizing the way modeling and talent agencies operate their businesses. With a multitude of features available today on this model management software below is the complete list of features currently available under the talent management module of this platform. Talent Database No more spreadsheets! Perhaps, this will be your most essential operations tool. Image & Video Gallery Managing photos and videos are in the core of any talent agency’s business model.

Our state of the art tool offers an organised media platform for comfortable management of model/talent photos, and videos. Tips & Tricks: Get 2x Faster With StarAgent This Way! - Staragent. 3.

Tips & Tricks: Get 2x Faster With StarAgent This Way! - Staragent

Search Anything Quickly Accessing the right information quickly is the key to working productively. Now, if you want to search for a particular talent, project, client or job, StarAgent makes it effortless to fetch the details real quick. With intelligent search functions for every required tab, it makes searching an easy job. You can run searches based on specific criteria to find the models, clients, projects or jobs that are the best fit for a specific purpose. Get to know about our smart search. Is Your Team Struggling? (Signs Of Overwhelm, And What To Do About It) - Staragent.

Organize The Mess ‘Overwhelm‘ is not always a consequence of having a lot to do – sometimes it can also be about not having an accurate idea of where to begin from the tangled mess of projects, and tasks.

Is Your Team Struggling? (Signs Of Overwhelm, And What To Do About It) - Staragent

To get rid of such situations, you can bring in a proper structure and order to your team’s workings. You can try out something that will help your team to have a clear understanding of what needs to be tackled next, along with providing all the resources for them to work without wasting time searching for what they need to finish off each of their tasks. This is where an all-in-one talent agency management software like StarAgent can come in super handy. With this, you can have a shared workspace for your team that gives each employee access into details related to talents, clients, and projects, what’s being worked on by other members of the team, and when each task is due, thereby limiting the use of overfilled spreadsheets and endless email threads.

All-in-one Talent Agency Management Software. How To Easily Manage Your Talents Using StarAgent - Staragent. 6 New Features And Updates To Kickstart Your Advanced Talent Management - Staragent. #6.

6 New Features And Updates To Kickstart Your Advanced Talent Management - Staragent

Notes for Talents, Clients and Projects We all have experienced an impulse to scribble on things to remind ourselves about the key points, and this is why StarAgent wanted to incorporate a notes section on every talent, client and project card, so people have the freedom to take notes in the ever so traditional manner. In StarAgent, ‘Notes’ is a simple text editor where you can write your notes and give it a little formatting such as adding background colours, adjusting font type, making it bold and a lot more. You get this feature on every talent card, project card, and client card, helping you take separate notes for individual elements. You can also quickly access this notes feature by clicking on the little notes icon present on every talent, project and client card. Famous Model Agency Management Software : Staragent. Staragent: Modeling Agency Management Software.

Modeling/ Talent Software Management Agency. Best Model Management Agency Software.