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A Step-by-Step Guide to Website Measurement. Below is an adapted version of my presentation at the 2011 HOW Interactive Design Conference in San Francisco. It covers my basic philosophy of web measurement, a simple approach to using Google Analytics, as well as two types of user testing that you can do easily and quickly on your own. It gets a bit mathy in the middle, so find a comfortable and quiet place to dig into this one. (FYI: My presentation included a variety of slide transitions, so in some cases below, I've consolidated slide groups into animated GIFs. Keep your eye out for those so you don't miss any details.) Recently, I visited my doctor for my yearly physical. After the exam, my doctor and I had the following exchange: Me: Should I go ahead and schedule next year's appointment? Stuff?! A few days later, I got the results of my blood work in the mail.

And that, right there—just in case you were wondering—is the connection to measurement. I'm thinking of the KPI report. Ugh. I like smart people. "Where's my KPI report? " Do search engines distinguish between keyword phrases and individual keywords in the meta keywords tag? Should I duplicate words in similar phrases? Do search engines distinguish between keyword phrases and individual keywords in the meta keywords tag? Should I duplicate words in similar phrases? There are two questions here, one asked and one unasked. First, we'll adress the question about whether to use individual keywords or keyword phrases in your meta tags. Then we'll address the unasked question, "Do I have a chance to win for either 'historical research' or 'historical writing' with a page about both historical research and historical writing?

" Keyword Optimization: Individual Words or Phrases? Consider two pages which simply feature large images, for example, pictures of two charts. . (1) <meta name="keywords" content="keyword analysis, keyword optimization"> The second page has the following meta keywords tag : (2) <meta name="keywords" content="keyword, analysis, optimization"> Now consider a third page with a picture of another chart. With the addition of this third page, the results for our competition are shifted. Back. The 21 Greatest SEO Myths of the Modern World. Sep 22 2011 They say that ignorance is bliss and knowledge is power but somewhere between these clichés there’s a spot reserved for individuals who possess a little too much knowledge to be blissful but still only enough knowledge to be dangerous.

SEO, as an industry, is known unfortunately for the mass of rumours, myths, mistruths and unscrupulous gurus. This in part stems from the search engines’ unwillingness to discuss their algorithms (this lack of disclosure is completely understandable). This breeds a culture of myths where newbies and veterans alike get caught out by nothing more than hearsay that gains traction. The aim of this post is to try and dispel some of the more widely held SEO myths: #1 – Google is the Only Search Engine Google may be the largest search engine but you shouldn’t ignore the others.

Many of the techniques and principles are the same across the search engines but you should also do things like register your website over at Bing’s Webmaster Center Tools. (rb) How do I find out what my link popularity is, and who is linking to my site? - Search Engine Marketing FAQ. Website News and Analysis - SiteTrail.