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The 20-Point SEO Account Takeover Checklist. What should you do if you are stepping into a role as the new “SEO Manager” of a website? This is a question you could ask yourself either as an in-house employee at a company, an agency taking over an account from another agency, or moving into the role from one account to another within your agency. Truth be told, I imagine that if you are at an agency, and simply taking over an account from someone else, much of the account transition will go smoothly, so you may not need to do as complete a discovery as I am suggesting below. Think of this checklist as a way to get up to speed as quickly as possible if your predecessor did not leave a very clear audit trail/documentation. Or, perhaps you are the first person to take on the SEO Manager role at your company? This checklist is NOT in order of priority, but is numbered for usability. Yes, some tasks will be more time-sensitive than others, and I will attempt to make a note of these as I go along.

Pull Together Your Organic Keyword Targets. 5 Tools to Preform A SEO Audit For Your Website : Performancing. Web Analytics Demo | Marianis. Web Page Rank from Google, Alexa, Quantcast and Compete. Give your website an seo health check. Search engine optimization (SEO), the process of optimizing a web page to improve its visibility in search engines, can seem like a pretty complicated business.

There are many small web page errors that can damage a site’s chances of appearing as high up in the search results as possible. That’s where SEO Doctor, a free add-on for Firefox, can help. It has an easy-to-understand scoring mechanism to help you find potential SEO problems on your pages and also provide recommendations on to how to fix them, making it especially useful for beginners. Once installed, SEO Doctor appears in the browser status bar, providing at-a-glance statistics for each page that you visit. As you can see, WWD scored a creditable 91/100, but lost some marks for having too many links, taking too long to load, and a missing meta description. You can download SEO Doctor from the Mozilla Add-ons site, and there’s a page with more information and instructions here.

What SEO tools would you recommend to beginners? The Murky Business of Measuring Web Traffic. SearchStatus | Firefox SEO Toolbar Extension. SearchStatus is a toolbar extension for Firefox and SeaMonkey that allows you to see how any and every website in the world is performing. Designed for the highly specialised needs of search engine marketers, this toolbar provides extensive search-related information about a site, all conveniently displayed in one discreet and compact toolbar. For every site you visit using, SearchStatus lets you view its Google PageRank, Google Category, Alexa popularity ranking, ranking, SEOmoz Linkscape mozRank, Alexa related links and backward links from Google, Yahoo! And MSN. This combined search-related information means you can view not only the link importance of a site (according to Google and Linkscape), but also its traffic importance (according to Alexa and Compete), so providing a balanced view of site efficacy.

The SearchStatus Mozilla Firefox/SeaMonkey extension appears unobtrusively at the bottom of the browser on the status bar. How important is Google PageRank to site success? Posted in Tech blog on January 14th, 2010 by Pingdom PageRank (PR) was Google’s original secret weapon, a scale that would rank websites based on incoming links and where those links came from. Although its relevance has arguably faded a bit over the years as Google has added more and more criteria to site rankings, it still goes hand in hand with SEO and every webmaster out there wants to have a high PR. But do you need a high PR to have a successful site?

Search rankings are one thing, but what about actual site popularity and traffic? To answer that question, we decided to find out the PR of the top 100 sites in the US. PageRank statistics for the top 100 sites These are some of the observations we made. Charting how PR is distributed across the top 100 sites, this is what you get. Above: You may notice that the number of sites only add up to 95. It’s worth noting that what we are looking at here is the PR of the front page of each website. The flip side of the coin Conclusion. Some SEO Advice For Bill Gates. What do you get for Bill Gates, the richest person in the world? How about a little free SEO advice for his new blog? It could use some. Bill, I went looking for your blog today on Google. Sorry, like many people, I have a habit of using that search engine first. What did I find for bill gates blog? Good, you’re there in the top 10 results, listed fourth.

Before you decide this is just Google being evil, let’s take a look at the same search on your own search engine: Ugh. The Importance Of Being An Earnest Title Tag Want to rank better on any major search engine, be it Google or Bing? See that part I’m pointing at? Notice I’m also pointing at your description. Ideally, each page on your web site has a title that reflects the terms you hope that page will be found for. Now, I have no idea what you’re hoping your blog will be found for in general.

The introduction says the blog is supposed to be you talking about what you’re thinking about, working on, thoughts you want to share. To this: Alexa Toolbar. Google PageRank Checker. Check PAGE RANK of Web site pages Instantly In order to check pagerank of a single web site, web page or domain name, please submit the URL of that web site, web page or domain name to the form below and click "Check PR" button. the free PR checker tool enables you to check the current pagerank of your web site instantly via the form above, however, you might consider to be quite boring to visit online page rank checking tool every time you'd like to check Google pagerank of your web pages.. so, it might be a good idea to put a small page rank icon to your site to check and display your Google rankings right on your web site pages.

To check PR icons - click here. Add Free PAGE RANK Check tool to your site In order to add this free page rank checker tool to your web site and give your visitors the way to check the ranking of any pages directly from your site, just copy the following HTML code and put it into your HTML document where you want the check page rank tool to appear: