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Zooologie. Welcome to Knitters Edge. Mock Rib Cardigan. System in Machine Knitting. By Gudde Fog This book is now on Wikibooks Preface This text is not about ready patterns, but a guide as to how you can produce your own patterns. It is my hope that it will be a useful reference for many years to come, regardless of changing fashions. The assumption running throughout the text is that ordinary hand knitting yarn will be used. I have organized the text with the easiest things first. But of course, there are many ways of making things, and the methods described should be conceived just as suggestions I hope that with this book, I can spare someone for making all the same blunders as I have made myself during the 40 years that I have been machine-knitting. Many thanks to my son Agner who has helped me incredibly with illustrations and advice and set up this homepage, and to my son Kåre who has made an admirable effort to help with the translation.

Contents Preface Introduction 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Dansk You are visitor no. Knit & Sew World - Sandee's Kwik Knit Knitting Machine Books Patterns and Videos, Machine Knitting Sandee Cherry. Knitting Any Way for  Fiber Tips, Tools and Accessories. Welcome To Kidoodles.