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White Balance. White Balance Click to explore how the white balance setting affects the way images are captured.

White Balance

Fluorescent light has a variety of color temperatures depending on its type. Some bulbs are daylight balanced. One way to eliminate white balance problems is to use flash since it has the same color temperature as daylight. Typical white balance icons (clockwise from top) are auto (AWB), manual, flash, fluorescent, tungsten, cloudy, shade, and daylight. Click to explore how sRGB and Adobe RGB color spaces compare when it comes to the number of colors they can capture. Although light from the sun or from a light bulb looks white to us, it actually contains a mixture of all colors, all of which affect the color of a scene it illuminates.

"White" light actually contains light of different colors. You can check white balance by looking at a captured image on the camera's monitor. Many digital cameras offer a number of white balance settings, some for specific lighting situations. 50 Beautiful Free Icon Sets For Your Next Design - Smashing Magazine. Round-ups of beautiful and useful icons are almost legendary here, on Smashing Magazine.

50 Beautiful Free Icon Sets For Your Next Design - Smashing Magazine

While some readers complain about the annoying “list”-style of some of our articles, we are confident that useful round-ups of relevant resources are very valuable and useful for designers. This is why over months we collect useful links and then present them in posts in the magazine. Like it or hate it, but the feedback that we get from the design community when we publish such posts is mostly positive which is why we keep doing it. This round-up covers 50 beautiful and useful icons that may turn out to be life-savers for your next design. We present photorealistic icons, mini icons and pictograms, symbols and signs, free templates as well as Christmas icon sets and desktop replacement icons. You may be interested in the following related posts: CLASSIC PHOTOSHOP & ILLUSTRATOR TUTORIAL: Create breathtaking fantasy light effects.

Learn how to combine brushes and blur effects in Photoshop to create a beautiful fantasy scene in this step-by-step guide by Murilo Maciel.

CLASSIC PHOTOSHOP & ILLUSTRATOR TUTORIAL: Create breathtaking fantasy light effects

Fantasy art scenes are usually handled with a liberal sprinkling of Photoshop plug-in fairy dust – but you don’t have to slavishly follow that route. By creating your own brushes in Adobe Illustrator, and using scanned elements with Photoshop, it’s a simple process to create otherworldly scenes that are alive with glow effects and shafts of virtual light. This masterclass takes a standard stock model – a super high-resolution version is included on the cover CD, or you can use your own – and applies layers of light and vector shapes to generate the main image shown left. During this masterclass, you’ll learn to wrap your source image into a multitude of layers that add a fantastical theme to your art. The key here is to tread softly.

Step 1 Open the file ‘wonderland.psd’ supplied on this month CD and create a new top layer. World of Faerie. Free Textures, Inspiration and Tutorials. Freebies. 10 Reasons why I prefer Fireworks CS4 to Photoshop for Web Design. Design: The estimated time to read this article is 8 minutes I have been a Photoshop user for over sixteen years, ten of which have been in a production web design environment.

10 Reasons why I prefer Fireworks CS4 to Photoshop for Web Design

I’ve got used to the way it works. I’m used to its feature set and how it does what it does. I’ve worked happily within that framework and mostly not digressed unless my requirements have been to design a logo – where a vector illustration package like Illustrator has come into its own. Just after Adobe’s CS4 suite was released, I decided to have another look at Fireworks – a package I had looked at a few times in earlier versions, but repeatedly given up on – each time falling back to Photoshop. 1. A Photoshop file consists of a single image with multiple layers. As well as having multiple pages within the Fireworks .png file (the native file format) the powerful Master Page allows you to define consistent template elements which appear across all other pages. 2. 3. 4.