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The Grammar Nazi. Drinkyourjuice: everyday (adjective): used to describe something that is common“She’s just your everyday booty queen.”Used more often when someone says something is not common. “She’s not your everyday booty queen.”every day (two words): a phrase used to describe something that happens each day“Every day I wake up and brush my teeth.”apart (adverb, weirdly): used to explain at least two things that have a distance between them, like in time or in space“Ugh, Josh and I have been apart for four hours and I just miss him, ya know?” A part (two words): a phrase you use to describe something that is a piece of something else“I would love a part in your movie, Lisa.”or“Could you break me off a part of that dick?” Link coketalk: I know I’m not supposed to feed the trolls, but sometimes I just can’t resist the urge to teach the ignorant bastards the difference between your and you’re.

(Source: coketalk) link What’s Up With “Anyway” and “Anyways”? Capricious: theyuniversity: Please note. link. Urban Dictionary, July 20: Last Chance Undies. ‪Fresh Perspectives: FREEDOM‬‏

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