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Freebs. Holiday Gift Guide For Foodies. Everyone’s got that one friend who’s obsessed with eating locally, watching Top Chef, cooking Mark Bittman’s Minimalist, and obsessing about Anthony Bourdain.

Holiday Gift Guide For Foodies

What should you get for the foodie in your life? Oh, we’ve got the total gift guide for foodies right here: You know who you are. You temper your own chocolate. You grow your own produce. If you want to make a fun drink (cocktail or mocktail), a cocktail shaker, like this one from World Market, is the way to go. You can’t go wrong with a selection of colorful cupcake liners. A thoughtful gift for the dedicated foodie chef are fresh and hard to find spices from World Spice in Seattle. Vanilla Sugar, Vanilla Bean Creme Brulee, Vanilla Cream Eclairs, Homemade Vanilla, you can never have too many vanilla beans on hand. If your foodie doesn’t have a microplane, it’s time. Erica says, “The Best Recipe is the best cookbook I have, and this is the new edition. How to cut own hair (Pixie Cut) ☮ ♡ 9 Headband Hair Hacks: Look Pulled Together in 30 Seconds. Workout Chic One of the best things I can do for myself is squeeze in a quick workout after I’ve taken care of all my other AM duties.

9 Headband Hair Hacks: Look Pulled Together in 30 Seconds

A tight bun alone usually isn’t enough to keep my hair trained; a headband keeps all hair away from my face (a personal pet peeve). Image Credit: Instagram @gemdimps Chic Bob Give your bob cut a little boost with a wide-body headband. Image Credit: Instagram @my_favourite_lullaby Delicate Elegance. 20 Smart House Cleaning Shortcuts You Need in Your Life Now. I set the boys up with some fun in the room I’m cleaning and go to town.

20 Smart House Cleaning Shortcuts You Need in Your Life Now

Cleaning is the gift that keeps on giving in more ways than one. First, it’s a never-ending job, so we’ve had to find a way to make it work with the kids. And second, a clean house feels SO good before it turns into a messy house again. Every time we think we have a clean house, the cycle starts all over, but we’ve found some really good tricks and tips to help make cleaning a bit easier in our home. Here are 20 cool cleaning shortcuts we use and love. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. DIY Hair: Short Curly Vintage Hair Tutorial. What You'll Need This style is done on my naturally straight, chin-length bob.

DIY Hair: Short Curly Vintage Hair Tutorial

It's longer in the front, and shorter/layered in the back. This tutorial doesn't require much. The 5 Best Pigtail Styles for Women. 7 Cool (and Easy) Buns That Work for Short Hair. As a girl with bob-length hair, I deeply relate to the struggle of waking up late and wanting nothing more than to throw your hair up in a messy bun, only not being able to do so simply because you don't have enough of it.

7 Cool (and Easy) Buns That Work for Short Hair

Don't get me wrong, I love having short hair. But the messy-bun life is a life I sometimes miss. The bad news is that creating buns with short hair isn't quite as effortless as it is for those with 12 inches to work with. The good news is that it is possible. How to cut your own hair - The complete guide to getting it right. If your mum ever took to a pair of scissors and a bowl to give you a trim, we understand that the thought of cutting your own hair could be the last thing on your mind.

How to cut your own hair - The complete guide to getting it right

But there are moments when you simply don’t have the time (or the money!) To get your hair cut at the salon. You can, however, still get a professional look at home. All you need to know is how to cut your own hair like a pro. Follow these easy step-by-step guides from hairstylist, Lee Stafford and learn how to cut your own hair. Fabulous Perms for Short Hair to Set Some Hearts Spinning. Before perming the hair, it is vital to check the health of the hair.

Fabulous Perms for Short Hair to Set Some Hearts Spinning

Perming is a chemical process that can cause irrecoverable damage to the hair strands. Allow the stylist to judge the health of the hair before perming. How to make your own nose pore strip to remove blackheads. BEAUTY DIY: COFFEE EYE MASK TO GET RID OF DARK CIRCLES. If you are a coffee lover then you definitely love the products that are made from coffee.


Coffee is an excellent beauty aid, it is full of antioxidants and the caffeine in the coffee is beneficial for a number of problems like puffy eyes, dark circles, swollen eyes, eye bags etc. There are a lot of eye products like the eye creams, under eye injections, eye patches etc. that either work temporarily or do not work at all. Below is a simple 2-ingredient ground coffee eye mask that is the answer to number of your eye area issues along with its benefits: Coffee contains caffeine that helps protect cells against the UV radiation and slows down the process of photo aging of the skin, thereby reducing early wrinkles.Caffeine in coffee can tighten skin, smooth puffiness, fight free radicals, and reduce dark under eye circles and wrinkles around the eyes. How To Cover Dark Circles With A Red lipstick.

Dark circles under the eye is an issue that all of us suffer at one point or the other.

How To Cover Dark Circles With A Red lipstick

Stress, hereditary etc- the reasons are plenty likewise the solutions too. There are several home remedies that works wonders to lighten the dark circles however a quick fix is what we all need to rescue us from an emergency situation to hide dark circles. Makeup does help in achieving that and while talking about makeup, it is the concealer that comes into our mind but the fact is that most the time a concealer leaves a white circle under the eyes. We need to even out the skintone and match the undereye skintone to that of the entire face and most of the time a concealer fails to do that.

A corrector is what you need to get your hands on if you have serious dark circles issue. Brighten under eyes with eye masks. Thanks to the power of cosmetics, proper skin care and natural remedies that help us deal with the dark circles and dull, puffy skin under the eyes.

Brighten under eyes with eye masks

10 home remedies to treat dark circles overnight. Given below are 10 home remedies to diminish dark circle around your eyes. The natural treatments can be used overnight to not only lighten dark circles but also treat fines lines and puffiness. POTATO Use a small amount of potato juice under the eyes for about 15 mins or overnight. The natural bleaching properties in potato will lighten the dark circles overtime. CHAMOMILE OR GREEN TEA To reduce puffiness and diminish dark circles, soak some cotton pads in chamomile or green tea, cut the cotton pads in half and use it under your eyes as an eye mask.

From Dark Circles to Fine Lines: 3 DIY Ways to Anti-Age Your Eyes. Heredity and sleepless nights along with plenty of laughs and smiles all contribute to the eye problem trifecta: dark circles, puffy eyes and crow’s-feet. The skin around your eyes is the thinnest of anywhere on your body so your eyes are truly a window into whether you’re tired and weary. The good news is that there are two DIY eye mask recipes for a fast fix, along with longer term solutions to anti-age your eyes. 1. Dark circles. The Best Treatments For Tired Eyes. Those three dreaded words: you look tired. No one wants to hear it! But if you have dark under eye circles and puffiness, you probably hear it a lot. Maybe you are tired, but maybe it’s genetic or your allergies acting up.

Whatever the cause, under eye circles are tough to get rid of, but there are treatments for them and if you use them consistently, those embarrassing dark spots will fade away, leaving you looking refreshed (even if you don’t feel that way!). DIY exfoliating cornmeal and buttermilk facial scrub. Tried and true for a reason, cornmeal and buttermilk are two ingredients that combine for an exfoliating, DIY facial scrub. Gentle exfoliation can definitely be a good thing for your skin. It removes dead, dry skin cells to help even out your skin tone (and can help diminish fine lines).

Once the dry skin is gone, you’ll have an easier time moisturizing the new skin cells that you uncover, and allow your skin to glow. It only takes a few ingredients to whip up the perfect at-home facial scrub. Instead of sugar, like you might use for a body scrub, this recipe incorporates cornmeal to help with exfoliation. The buttermilk contains lactic acid - which also helps with gentle exfoliation and to tighten pores - and the fat in the buttermilk helps hydrate your skin.

No DIY Disasters Here — the Beauty Benefits of Honey Are Real. Random creative ideas.


Easter_bag_-_pochette_de_paques. Crochet:bags. Printables. Crochet:shawls. Legs/feet. Diy:beauty. Loving. Crochet. Eatme. Diy:wearable. Needleandthread. Art. Hair. Beauty. Sewing. Diy:home.