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Important Things I've Learned From Kids. This page is brought to you by UC Berkeley Parents Network Back to the Jokes & Quotes Collection (author unknown) 1.

Important Things I've Learned From Kids

It's more fun to color outside the lines. 2. If you're gonna draw on the wall, do it behind the couch. 3. Ask why until you understand. 4. This is an actual essay written by a college applicant. The author, Hugh Gallagher, now attends NYU. 3A. ESSAY: IN ORDER FOR THE ADMISSIONS STAFF OF OUR COLLEGE TO GET TO KNOW YOU, THE APPLICANT, BETTER, WE ASK THAT YOU ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTION: ARE THERE ANY SIGNIFICANT EXPERIENCES YOU HAVE HAD, OR ACCOMPLISHMENTS YOU HAVE REALIZED, THAT HAVE HELPED TO DEFINE YOU AS A PERSON? I am a dynamic figure, often seen scaling walls and crushing ice. I have been known to remodel train stations on my lunch breaks, making them more efficient in the area of heat retention.

I translate ethnic slurs for Cuban refugees, I write award-winning operas, I manage time efficiently. Public, but Anonymous, Letters: Recently Delivered. What You'll Wish You'd Known. January 2005 (I wrote this talk for a high school.

What You'll Wish You'd Known

I never actually gave it, because the school authorities vetoed the plan to invite me.) When I said I was speaking at a high school, my friends were curious. What will you say to high school students? So I asked them, what do you wish someone had told you in high school?