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Java API Design Guidelines. Dr. Dichotomy's Development DiaryJava API Design Guidelinesby Eamonn McManusDecember 28, 2005 Summary There are tons of books and articles about how to design and write good Java code, but surprisingly little about the specific topic of API design. Here's a summary of what I've learnt on the subject from various sources and my own experience.

I recently attended an excellent talk at JavaPolis, Elliotte Rusty Harold's XOM Design Principles. I've been closely involved with the evolution of the JMX API for over five years and have learnt a great deal about what works and what doesn't during that time. I'm going to try to summarize here what I see as being the key points from this talk, from my own experience, and from a couple of other sources: An excellent tutorial on, How to Design a (module) API.

[Update: Although I was unaware of it when writing this blog entry, the slides referenced by Josh Bloch in a comment here cover some of the same ground and add much of interest.] 960 Grid System. Heroku. Slick or Slack. Chad's gitjour at master — GitHub.

Rails-widgets - Google Code. Dynamic Languages Strike Back. Some guys at Stanford invited me to speak at their EE Computer Systems Colloquium last week. Pretty cool, eh? It was quite an honor. I wound up giving a talk on dynamic languages: the tools, the performance, the history, the religion, everything. It was a lot of fun, and it went over surprisingly well, all things considered. They've uploaded the video of my talk, but since it's a full hour, I figured I'd transcribe it for those of you who want to just skim it. This is the first time I've transcribed a talk. Unfortunately I wound up using continuation-passing style for many of my arguments: I'd occasionally get started on some train of thought, get sidetracked, and return to it two or three times in the talk before I finally completed it. I didn't transcribe Andy's introduction, as it seems immodest to do so.

Technical corrections are welcome. The talk... Thank you everybody! So I'm going to be talking about dynamic languages. All right. Does anyone here know how to use a Mac? So! So! So! Rails 2.x : Select Packages. Building a Social Network Site in Rails | Jim Neath. I’m not going to cover how to actually code an entire social network site in rails as all social network sites vary in their functionality (and it’ll take too long). I will cover plugins and other things you might find useful though. Quick Start If you don’t really want to do the coding but want to get a site up and running and soon as possible, you may want to have a look at Lovd by Less by the guys over at Less Everything. Lovd by Less contains user signups, galleries, blogs, comments and various other things that you might want, so it’s a great starting block for your site. Social Network Plugins Here’s a list of plugins that I’ve found to be useful while coding my own social networking site: Restful Authentication RESTful Authentication is pretty much the defacto standard for user authentication in rails.

. # To Installruby script/plugin source script/plugin install restful_authentication Paperclip Will_paginate Acts_as_slugable White_list.