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Bird watching in Germany and Austria

The Life of Birds: To Fly or Not to Fly. BirdsEye Photography: Photography by Stefan Andrew.

Best Birding Places in the World

eBird. Sam Murray, June eBirder of the Month Please join us in congratulating Sam Murray of Augusta, GA, winner of the June 2017 eBird Challenge, sponsored by Carl Zeiss Sports Optics. Our June winner was drawn from eBirders who submitted 15 or more eligible checklists containing at least one breeding code in June.

Sam’s name was drawn randomly from the 1,769 eligible eBirders who achieved the June challenge threshold. Sam will receive new ZEISS Conquest HD 8×42 binoculars for his eBirding efforts. Read more to see Sam’s full story. eBird Illustrated Checklists are here! You can now view a digital bird guide for any hotspot or region in the world: an Illustrated Checklist. eBird Server Maintenance on July 20 – website unavailable 03:30-08:00ET All of eBird will be unavailable on July 20 between 03:30-08:00ET (08:30-13:00GMT), due to regularly scheduled server and database maintenance.

Edward W. The Cornell Lab of Ornithology invites applications for our Edward W. Female Bird Song Project. MyAvibase. What would you like to do: Add or modify observations in a lifelist Show differences between 2 taxonomies Looks for possible splits or errors Import checklist data from a file on your computer Import checklist data from your eBird account Export checklist data to a file Recover your checklist data from the nightly backup or create a new backup Manage the records that failed to import from a file or from eBird Add or modify observations in a lifelist : shows the list of species within a geographic region, along with associated dates and observation details from your lifelist.

You can use this tool to edit individual species observations. If no region is selected, all observations from the lifelist are displayed. You can also ask to display all observations from your lifelist, or only those found in a region, as well as pick a host of different display options. Show differences between 2 taxonomies: shows the differences in concepts between 2 taxonomic authorities. Select a lifelist: BirdForum - The Net's Largest Birding Community, Dedicated To Wild Birds.

In Austria

On Channel Islands (Jersey, Guernsey) In China. On the Falkland Islands. In France. In Germany. In India. In Switzerland. In Turkey. In the UK. Bird songs and sounds. Vogelzug. 29.09.2012 Eriks aus Lettland wird den Äquator überqueren Neue Vögel geben oft Anlass für Überraschungen, wie auch das Fischadler-Männchen , der in Lettland brütet. Eriks flog über das Mittelmeer und die Wüste Sahara, wo er vermutlich keinerlei Fisch fangen konnte und inzwischen haben wir ihn auf der Karte verloren, da die GSM Reichweite dort sehr schlecht ist. Bis heute hat er Kamerun hinter sich gelassen und ist am 28. September bis zu dem kleinen Land Äquatorialguinea in West-Afrika gekommen.

Es ist unwahrscheinlich, dass er in dem dortigen Regenwald überwintern wird, das Ziel ist eher sogar weiter südlich. Fischadler , unsere alte Bekannte aus Nord-Ost-Estland begann am Morgen des 23. September die letzte Phase ihres Herbstzuges, vom Nil-Delta zum östlichen Teil des Sudan nahe dem Fluss Ar-Rahad. , die genau am gleichen Ort zum zweiten Mal Rast macht, scheint es nicht eilig zu haben. Neuigkeiten von den Kranichen werden im nächsten Beitrag kommen, wahrscheinlich.