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Le petit journal permanent de CSS3 — 100+ ressources pour commencer. 5 sites pour choisir les couleurs de son site web - CSS2 - The display declaration. The display property lets you define how a certain HTML element should be displayed. display: block display: block means that the element is displayed as a block, as paragraphs and headers have always been. A block has some whitespace above and below it and tolerates no HTML elements next to it, except when ordered otherwise (by adding a float declaration to another element, for instance).

Live example: display: inline display: inline means that the element is displayed inline, inside the current block on the same line. Display: block display: inline display: none display: none means that the element is not displayed at all (so you won't see it in the example either). display: none display: inline-block An inline block is placed inline (ie. on the same line as adjacent content), but it behaves as a block. display: block Let's add some content to see how the block behaves. display: inline-block; width: 10emLet's add some content to see how the block behaves. display: list-item display: list-item.

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